Text production. How to produce good text

To produce a good text, some aspects need to be revised:
the general theme: it is the subject to be dealt with that normally makes room for other aspects, such as: globalization. It is proposed in practically every text production to be carried out.
The specific theme: is not provided. It is about the delimitation of the proposed subject, such as: the consequences of globalization on the economy. The more the writer specifies the general theme, the more focused on a goal he will be and therefore the safer. See: The consequences of globalization on the Brazilian economy.
In college entrance exams there is a collection, excerpts from texts that approach the proposed theme in different ways. Choose the approach to the collection that you like best, as never write about something you don't know about.
If there is no collection, do as specified in the “specific topic”: delimit the proposed common subject in a particular subject that you know about.
Environment: If you have a choice, go to the place at home or at school where you can disconnect from the outside world, to go deeper into what you are going to write. If you can't, look for that place of comfort and quiet in the classroom. In addition, the environment must be very light and airy.

Structure: Make an introduction of no more than five lines and point out at this point the subject to be covered, in addition to raising your point of view. In the case of narration, introduce the character and the conflict to be resolved. In the development, clarify your arguments, put examples, mark facts that are in agreement with your point of view on the subject. If it's a narrative, it's time to expose the events, the characters' actions. Make a conclusion, also in a few lines, that reinforces even more your vision on the specific subject and even more, give a suggestion, a resolution. In the narrative, state the solution to the conflict.
Sketch: Use the draft so you don't erase, so you're sure what you're going to write, to avoid spelling, punctuation and concordance errors, it's a chance to review what you've written.
Important: Always put yourself in the role of reader, imagining that text is in a newspaper, magazine or book. That way, you will have a critical view of yourself as a writer!

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "Text production"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/producao-texto.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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