How to improve writing? Writing Tips: How to improve writing?

How to improve text writing? This is a recurrent question among speakers, as writing well can be the secret to success in academic and professional life. The answer is not simple, after all, writing well is a skill we have developed throughout of life, there is no magic formula capable of transforming us into outstanding writers from day to day. night.

If you want to learn to deal better with the written modality or even improve your knowledge of the language you already have, check out the five writing tips that Brasil Escola prepared especially for you. Come on?

Writing Tips: How to improve writing?

Reading more, diversifying the type of reading and paying attention to textual structure are among the five tips that can help you write better
Reading more, diversifying the type of reading and paying attention to textual structure are among the five tips that can help you write better

Tip 1 ► Read more: It is undeniable the fact that those who read more find it easier with the written modality. That's why at the beginning of this text we stated that there is no magic formula available to transform a person who does not read into a good writer. Writing well is a goal to be achieved, and the best exercise to achieve this linguistic competence is reading. Through reading, we come into contact with the language and its different registers, we learn in practice the rules of the standard norm without having to memorize the entire normative grammar;

Tip 2 ► Diversify your reading: It is not enough to read just anything, you have to select what you are going to read. You can read best sellers, but don't forget the classics of literature, after all, they are the source texts of all contemporary literature. Also remember to diversify your reading, that is, don't get stuck in a single textual genre. Knowing the genres and their characteristics is important for you to identify them, just as it is important for you to appropriate their linguistic resources;

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Tip 3 ► Don't forget the reader: Very important tip! What is the ultimate purpose of language, be it oral or written? The communication. If communication does not happen, that is, if the reader cannot understand what you have written, one of the two is wrong. To make sure it's not your mistake, make sure your text is in line with your target audience. Avoid linguistic fancy, technical terms and complex syntactic constructions, especially if your reader is an average reader;

Tip 4 ► Score more: Correct punctuation is capable of eliminating long periods, a type of syntactic construction that favors the emergence of ambiguity, an unwanted textual defect in non-literary texts. If you don't know all the rules for proper scoring, do the simple exercise of reading your text aloud. By reading your essay, you will certainly understand when and how to score it, which will consequently lead to shorter periods. Short periods can eliminate inconsistencies, besides being a great choice for the cohesion of your text;

Tip 5 ► Each paragraph, an idea: Do you know what the paragraph is for? In the structure of the text, the paragraph is responsible for providing a break between one subject and another within the same theme. This means that in a single paragraph different ideas should not coexist, there should be a central idea developed by secondary ideas that establish a connection with the phrasal topic. If you notice that another central idea has emerged, then it's time to change the paragraph. If even so, at the end of your text, you notice that the textual structure has been compromised due to inadequate paragraphing, don't be lazy to restructure it. Rewriting is one of the main exercises for those who want to improve their writing.

We hope you make the most of our Portuguese language tips! Enjoy your reading and good studies!

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "How to improve writing?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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