Blenorrhea: cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Blenorrhea, also called gonorrhea or gonorrhea, consists of a bacterial infectioncaused by Neisseria gonorrhea: name chosen in honor of the German physician Albert Neisser, who discovered it in 1879.
It is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) whose main feature is the secretion of pus from the urethra. O period ofincubation it is approximately five to nine days and, while it is still asymptomatic, it is quite contagious.
Your incidence it is higher in individuals between 15 and 30 years old, sexually active and without a steady partner.
The bacteria penetrates through the mucosa of the genital region and lodges there. It can also present in the throat or rectum, due to other sexual practices; or even in other parts of the body, such as joints and skin, via the bloodstream, in rarer and more complicated cases. It can trigger more serious consequences such as sterility.
babies can be contaminated at the time of delivery - normal - transmitted by the mother, with swelling of the eyelids and purulent discharge in the eyes. There is a possibility that the newborn will go blind if not treated.

Most infected women do not have the symptoms. They are: milky discharge, pain when urinating and fever. Pelvic pain can occur, especially during sexual intercourse. Men have, as the first symptoms, discomfort in the region, especially when urinating, and the penis may be swollen. In both, blood can be released together with urine and, if not cured, can cause infertility.
To treatment, antibiotics are used and, in more serious cases, hospitalization may be necessary. Sexual partners should seek medical assistance in order to verify the presence of the bacteria. It is worth remembering that self-medication can result in the artificial selection of bacteria, strengthening them and further aggravating the condition.
Two drops of silver nitrate in a baby's eyes at birth prevent ocular gonorrhea in them.
For prevention, the use of a condom is essential. Specific routine exams must be done, especially by women with active sex life and without steady partner - in view of the severity of the disease and its non-manifestations in most people of this sex.

Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

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