Dreaming about deceased relatives and their emotional impacts

To dream with death is a mystery and for some people it can be challenging to dream about deceased relatives. This is because the emotional intensity of the dream can make us go in search of change, even when there is anxiety, fear and insecurity.

Laura dreamed of her sister and believed she was alive

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Each person deals with the subject of death in a different way. For some, death is a necessary path for change and continuity of psychic life. For others, there is no secret and we just stop being part of the world.

For Laura, however, the dream of her deceased sister represented the impetus she needed to move forward during a time of transition.

In the dream, Laura was in a living room with everything in hand to start cleaning the cobwebs on the wall. According to her, a deceased sister, with whom she had a difficult relationship, was sitting in the room. It was a moment of relaxation and the two talked.

At that moment, Laura claims that she felt her sister's presence intensely. In the dialogue, she asked, “Do you believe you had control over your life?” When the sister replied, "Actually, I don't know."

How to interpret dreams with loved ones who are gone?

Death represents the end of the life existing in our body. However, through the symbolism associated with death, we can conclude that moments of transition and self-knowledge also mark the end of cycles in our lives. In this sense, death has a symbolic character in the dream.

In Laura's case, she states that she seeks to make a professional transition, however, she thinks about adopting certain postures related to personality of the deceased sister, such as independence, resilience and a certain amount of selfishness to make things happen.

In this dream, Laura's interaction with the spiders and her sister causes her to interpret, in the conscious world, the need to act with diligence and patience, without losing sight of the dynamism needed to effect changes in her life.

That is why dreaming of a loved one who has passed away brings emotional impacts, because it provides the intensity necessary to face the resistance of life and allows the person to move towards new cycles of life. life.

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