The industrial sector of the Northeast

The Northeast region has attracted high investments for its economic sector. In addition, industrial activity in the region is on the rise, as a result of improvements that have taken place in native industries and the arrival of numerous companies from other parts of Brazil, especially from the Southeast. Among the main industries are those in the food, footwear and clothing sectors.
The migration of companies to the region is mainly due to the fact that the Northeast has an abundant labor and low cost, not to mention that many states offer tax incentives for companies interested parties. In addition, many companies take advantage of the proximity factor to raw material sources, such as sugarcane, cotton, fruits, cocoa and tobacco, for the manufacture of the respective products: sugar and alcohol, textiles, juices, chocolates and cigars.
The Northeast region also stands out in mineral extraction, especially in the production of salt, it accounts for approximately 80% of the country's production, the State of Rio Grande do Norte is the largest producer. In the northeastern industrial segment there is a hierarchy among the main producers, with the State of Bahia is the first, accounting for 3.8% nationally, followed by Pernambuco with 2.2% and then Ceará with 1,8%.

The industrial park in Bahia operates mainly in the production of chemical products, food, beverages, metallurgy, automobiles, fuels. In the State of Ceará, the industrial production of machinery, electrical materials, fabrics, shoes and bags, food and alcohol stands out. The Pernambuco industry stands out in the production of food, metallurgy, chemical products, alcohol production and petroleum refining. The main industrial areas in the Northeast are concentrated in Recife, Salvador and Fortaleza.
Despite the increase in industrial production in the region, it needs to improve a lot, as the industry is not yet diversified. The distribution of industries throughout the states of the region is restricted to some areas, causing cities that are inland to remain excluded from development.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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