1st degree Function Chart. 1st Grade Function Chart

Every function can be graphed, and the 1st degree function is formed by a straight line. This line can be ascending or descending, depending on the sign of The.

When a > 0

That means the company will be positive. For example, given the function: f (x) = 2x – 1 or
y = 2x - 1, where a = 2 and b = -1. To build your graph we must assign real values ​​to x so that we can find the corresponding values ​​in y

 x  y
- 2  - 5
- 1 - 3
0 - 1
1/2 0

We can observe that as the value of x increases the value of y also increases, so we say that when a > 0 the function is increasing.

Mind Map: 1st Degree Function Chart

Mind Map: 1st Degree Function Chart

*To download the mind map in PDF, Click here!

With the values ​​of x and y we form the coordinates, which are ordered pairs that we place in the Cartesian plane to form the line. Look:
On the vertical axis we put the y values ​​and on the horizontal axis we put the x values.

When < 0

This indicates that a will be negative. For example, given the function f (x) = - x + 1 or
y = - x + 1, where a = -1 and b = 1. To build your graph we must assign real values ​​to x so that we can find the corresponding values ​​in y.

x and y
-2 3
-1 2
0 1
1 0

We can observe that as the value of x increases the value of y decreases, so we say that when a < 0 the function is decreasing.
With the values ​​of x and y we form the coordinates that are ordered pairs that we put in the Cartesian plane to form the line. Look:
On the vertical axis we put the y values ​​and on the horizontal axis we put the x values.

Characteristics of a graph of a 1st degree function

• With a > 0 the graph will be increasing.
• With < 0 the graph will be decreasing.
• The angle α formed with the line and the x axis will be acute (less than 90°) when a > 0.
• The angle α formed with a straight line and with the x axis will be obtuse (greater than 90º) when a < 0.
• When constructing a graph of a 1st degree function, just indicate two values ​​for x, as the graph is a line and a line is formed by at least 2 points.
• Only one point cuts the x-axis, and that point is the root of the function.
• Only one point cuts the y axis, that point is the value of b.

by Danielle de Miranda
Graduated in Mathematics

*Mental Map by Luiz Paulo Silva
Graduated in Mathematics

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/matematica/grafico-funcao-1-grau.htm

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