Check the dates of Encceja Nacional 2019

Inep announced this Friday morning, March 1st, that the registrations of the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (Encceja) will be carried out in May 20th to 31st. The tests are intended for students in elementary and high school who wish to complete their studies with their performance on the exam.

the dates of evidences of Encceja Nacional 2019 are also already marked: August 4. The morning period has objective questions (disciplines and areas divided according to degree of education - elementary and high school), while the afternoon shift brings the writing for all participants.

National Encceja 2019

Registrations: May 20th to 31st
Evidences: August 4

Inep has not yet informed the forecast of results for elementary and secondary education, as well as it has not released the schedule for Deprived of Liberty and Brazilians Abroad. Candidates who do not achieve the minimum score in all the tests may request a declaration of proficiency so that the subjects with a sufficient grade can be used in the next Encceja.

What is Encceja?

Encceja is an Inep liability certification exam. Candidates aged 15 or over can request completion of elementary school through Encceja, while the High school certificate is for those who are at least 18 years old and have not completed their studies. regularly.

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The Encceja certificate is validated by the Ministry of Education and makes the student able to continue with their studies, if they wish, reducing the damage caused by truancy and enabling access to higher education for those who obtain certification for teaching average.

Encceja Nacional is applied throughout Brazil, but Brazilians residing in several countries around the world can participate in the Enceja Exterior. There is also the modality for those who are serving a socio-educational measure in confinement or private sentence in prisons, the Encceja Deprived of Liberty (PPL), giving the opportunity for the reeducates can complete their studies while serving their sentences and even try for a place at universities and colleges, assisting in resocialization.

See too: Importance of education in prison and socio-educational units

More information in the specials National Encceja, Enceja Exterior and on Inep page.


What to study for Encceja
What to study for Encceja

See what to study for the Encceja exam and get more confident at the Exam, thus ensuring your certification, whether for Elementary or High School. Despite having the same number of questions for both levels of certifications, the content charged to be studied in Encceja has a difference.

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