Laconism: speaking in a few words. Definition of shorthand

O laconism refers to the ability to be brief and concise in communication, using few words to express the ideas or messages to be exposed.

The origin of the term refers to the Laconia, region of Peloponnese Peninsula, where Sparta was located. Spartans were known to use few words to express themselves. This was possibly related to the subalternity given by the Spartans to the arts. Rhetoric and philosophy were arts that required long verbal exposures to debate and convince interlocutors through arguments.

The military rigidity of the inhabitants of Laconia contributed, since discipline, in this case, was maintained through obedience, not contestation. This form of communication was taught to Spartan children from an early age. It was also a means of preventing the enemy from getting too much information.

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There is a story that well exemplifies the posture of the laconic Spartans.

When Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, was invading Greece, besieging the city of Sparta, he sent a letter with the following words to the inhabitants:

“If you don't surrender immediately, I will invade your lands. If my armies invade you, they will pillage and burn everything you hold dear. If I march on Laconia, I will raze your cities.”

The answer came days later. When Alexander opened the letter, he was surprised. It was written: "If".

By Tales Pinto
Graduated in History

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PINTO, Tales dos Santos. "Laconism: speaking in a few words"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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