Fun Facts About Dividing Natural Numbers

The set of natural numbers is represented by the letter N capital and is made up of all positive numbers. See a representation:

N = {0, +1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6 ...}

In relation to the operation of division of natural numbers, there are four curiosities about their calculation. Recall that the division algorithm is structured as follows:

dividend | divider
remainder quotient


Dividend = divisor x quotient + remainder

Four Fun Facts About Dividing Natural Numbers

  • First curiosity: The divisor of the division algorithm can never be zero.


⇒ 15: 0 → There is no number (quotient) that, multiplied by 0 (divisor), results in 15 (dividend), that is, there is no division by zero.

⇒ 1000: 0 → There is no number (quotient) that, multiplied by 0 (divisor), results in 1000 (dividend), that is, there is no division by zero.

  • Second Curiosity:Dividing two natural numbers does not always result in a natural number.

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⇒ 5: 3 → 5 and 3 are natural numbers, that is, positive, but when you divide them, the result is a decimal number. Look:

5 | 3
-3 1,6
- 18

The result obtained for the division was 1.6, which is a decimal number.

  • Third Curiosity: When the dividend is the number 0, the quotient will always be zero, regardless of the value of the divisor. See an example:

We will call x the numerical value for the divisor:

Dividend ← 0 | x → Divider
Remainder← 0 0 → Quotient

  • FourthCuriosity:If the divisor and dividend are equal and non-zero numbers, the quotient will always be one.


Dividend ← 8 | 8 → Divider
Rest ← 0 1 → Quotient

By Naysa Oliveira
Graduated in Mathematics

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OLIVEIRA, Naysa Crystine Nogueira. "Fun Facts About Dividing Natural Numbers"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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