What is an energy matrix? It is a set of energy sources offered in the country to capture, distribute and use energy in the commercial, industrial and residential sectors. The matrix represents the amount of energy available in a country, and the origin of this energy can be from renewable or non-renewable sources.
THE world energy matrix is composed mostly of non-renewable sources – fossil fuels as Petroleum, mineral coal and natural gas they still constitute a large part of the energy used around the world.
Most countries still prioritize non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels in their energy matrices
The Brazilian energy matrix, on the contrary, is based on production hydroelectric. There are more than a thousand hydroelectric plants in the country, which accounts for about half of Brazilian production and consumption. Hydroelectric energy is considered a renewable energy source, that is, from resources capable of being rebuilt in a short term.
In addition to hydroelectric plants, the Brazilian government has encouraged, since the 1970s, the production and use of
ethanol (fuel obtained mainly from sugarcane), which is also a source of renewable energy widely used in the country. Currently, ethanol represents 15% of the total fuel consumed in combustion engines.All over the world, there has been discussion about the need for replacement of the energy matrix based on fossil fuels and non-renewable energy sources. THE environmental issue is a priority in this debate, however, dependence on oil as an energy source is also one of the causes of this concern.
By Amarolina Ribeiro
Graduated in Geography
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/geografia/o-que-e-matriz-energetica.htm