Meaning of Information Technology (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Information technology (also known by the acronym YOU), is an area that uses computing as a means to produce, transmit, store, access and use various information.

As information technology can cover and be used in various contexts, its definition can be quite complex and broad. However, it is used to process the information, helping the user to achieve a certain goal.

Information Technology can be divided into the following areas:

  • Schedule;
  • Database;
  • Technical support;
  • Information security;
  • Tests.

What does an IT professional do and what are their areas of expertise?

A professional can work in different areas of information technology. Among them, programming, database, technical support, information security and quality testing.

security analyst

In this area, the professional works mainly to maintain and improve the security of an institution's data, whether public or private, creating “barriers” that protect the safety of the equipment. In addition to working with the company's operating systems and servers, thus preventing invasion attempts.

If there is an invasion of data, this professional is also responsible for combating the threats and developing more efficient ways so that it does not happen again.

Technical support

These are the professionals who work in the maintenance of hardware (physical equipment), working on computer repairs, problems with access to systems, among other issues that appear in the daily life of a company.

To work in this area, it is necessary to understand the technical part of computer architecture.


Programming professionals can work in different fields, because this is one of the most comprehensive areas of information technology and one that is more subdivided into other areas. That's because there is several different programming languages, with the professional being able to focus on just one.

There is, for example, programming for databases, for web, mobile and even games. Generally an IT professional who chooses the area of ​​programming needs to specialize even more in a single language

quality tests

This professional works in the verification and analysis of softwares and applications even before they reach a company's market or end customer.

The professional who works with quality tests does checking the usability of an application or software to know if its operation is as promised or with what the company expects it to deliver.

Network administrator

This professional is responsible for managing all communication networks that exist within a company, whether its computers or other equipment, such as printers and the like.

It is one of the IT areas that requires technical knowledge of hardware and software, as this professional deals with the company's infrastructure on a daily basis, the installation and maintenance of site systems.

Therefore, usually the professional in this area has a lot of experience in the IT field in general, understanding a bit of programming, technical support and database to perform its function properly effective.

The evolution of information technology

The evolution of information technology effectively began in the 20th century, after World War II, when electronic devices were being developed.

O first programmable computer was created in 1946, called ENIAC, in a format very different from what we know as a computer today: it occupied more than 180 m² and weighed 30 tons.

Computers evolved, as did internet access and the way in which information circulates. The 1970s were very important for IT's, as computers began to be integrated into a network and the internet in optical fiber was distributed in large industries.

Since then, several electronic devices have been created, such as smartphones, for example, which change the way we live in society. In addition to transforming the way we communicate, buy, sell, acquire services and even how we interact.

This constant evolution of information technologies has also changed the way companies relate with their end customers, being the way to sell and communicate much more instantaneous and custom.

IT's have evolved a lot with the rapid development of technology, and with this development there are more and more solutions made available by information technology.

The trend is that information technology is increasingly important in our society, with the transformation of content in various formats. This can provide new ways to communicate, relate and inform.

Learn more about the meaning of technology.

Information and communication technology

Information and communication technology, or ICT, is the area that uses technological tools in order to facilitate communication and reach a common target. This communication can be in text, image, video, recorded voice, among others.

In addition to benefiting the industrial production of a given good, ICTs also serve to enhance communication processes. Education, for example, is one of the areas that benefits most from the implementation of ICTs.

More effective learning is one of the consequences of faster communication, through new technologies such as the use of computers, tablets, among other electronics in the classroom. In addition to Distance Learning, which originated with the help of the internet.

Information and communication technology also revolutionizes business processes and scientific research.

See too: What is Biometrics.

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