Encceja 2018: Inep releases results for Elementary School

The National Institute of Educational Education and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) announced the result of the Exam National for Certification of Youth and Adult Skills (Encceja) 2018 for completion of education fundamental.

Check out the result of Encceja Elementary School

Inep approved the participants who have 100 points in each area of ​​knowledge (objective test) - step that goes up to 200 points - and a minimum of five points in the essay (with a maximum score of 10 points).

Participants who achieved the required grade will have to contact the Departments of Education to request the certificate of completion of high school.

Those who achieved the minimum score in one or more subjects can also contact the Secretariats, but to request a declaration of proficiency. With this document, the student does not need to take the exams in which he/she had a sufficient grade in the next Encceja.


O End 2018 for Elementary School was held on August 5 and had questions from Natural Sciences, History, Geography, Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education, Mathematics, in addition to Writing.

The certification for Elementary School was intended for participants aged at least 15 years old and who have not completed their studies.

High School also had exams on August 5th, but the exam was made up of questions from Natural Sciences and its Technologies and Human Sciences and their Technologies, Languages ​​and Codes and their Technologies and Mathematics and their Technologies and a Essay. O result of Encceja High School was published on November 12th.

Deprived of Liberty were also able to participate in Encceja. The tests were given to them on September 18th and 19th.

Outdoor Enceja 

Brazilians residing abroad also had the opportunity to participate in the Outdoor Enceja. The tests took place on September 16 in Belgium (Brussels); Spain (Barcelona and Madrid); United States (Boston, New York and Miami); France, Paris); French Guiana (Cayenne); Netherlands (Rotterdam); Italy (Rome); Japan (Nagoya, Hamamatsu and Tokyo); Lisbon Portugal); United Kingdom (London); Switzerland (Geneva); and Suriname (Paramaribo).

Brazilians deprived of liberty who are serving their sentences in French Guiana (Cayenne), Japan (Tokyo) and Turkey (Istanbul) participated in Encceja 2018 from September 17th to 28th.

More information at Notice or not Inep website.

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/noticias/encceja-2018-inep-anuncia-resultado-para-ensino-fundamental/3123874.html

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