O collagen it is a fibrous protein found in animals. There are different types of collagen, being differentiated by their origin, composition, morphology and functions. This substance has great structural importance, and, due to its properties, its supplementation is frequently observed.
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Collagen characteristics
O collagen it is an important protein in the body of animals, representing between 25% and 30% of all body protein. This fibrous protein is made up of peptide chains formed by amino acids such as glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. The amino acid sequence of collagens, regardless of type, contains an amino acid. glycine repeated every third position of that sequence.
Collagen fibrils are formed through the polymerization of tropocollagen (molecular units). Tropocollagen is made up of three polypeptide chains that are organized in a triple helix. Tropocollagen aggregates into microfibrils, which join to form fibrils, in collagen types I, II, and III. In types I and III, these fibrils form fibers.

Collagen has a relatively simple molecular structure and is not soluble in Water. This insolubility is a result of the protein's large amount of hydrophobic amino acids. Usually, collagen presents itself, in vivo, in white and opaque coloration.
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Collagen classification
There are different types of collagen, which vary, for example, in composition, length and molecular structure. Almost 30 different types of collagen have already been identified, being the type I the most common, being present in the skin, tendon and bones, for example. Collagens can be classified into groups according to their structure and function:
Collagens that form long fibrils: capable of aggregating and forming long fibrils that can be seen under an electron microscope. Collagen molecules of types I, II, III, V, and XI are classified in this way.
Fibril-associated collagens: responsible for binding collagen fibrils to each other and also to other components of the extracellular matrix. Types IX, XII, and XIV collagens are classified in this way.
Collagen that forms a network: associates to create a kind of network. Type IV collagen is thus classified.
Anchoring Collagen: found in fibrils that anchor type I collagen fibers in the basal lamina. Type VII collagen is classified in this group.
Collagen function

Collagen stands out for being an essential component of several connective tissues, being found in the skin, in the cartilages, in bones and tendons. Presents the function of contributing to the strength, cohesion and elasticity of the tissues in which it is present. This protein is responsible for ensuring the extracellular matrix integrity or still act in the fixation of cells in this matrix. It also plays an important role in healing and regeneration.
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Supplementation and benefits of using collagen
We know that the our body needs collagen to ensure, for example, firm skin and proper muscle tone. As we age, our collagen production drops, so it is common to recommend supplementation to ensure the replacement of levels of this protein. In addition to aging, a poor diet can be responsible for reductions in collagen levels.
Collagen is obtained for commercial purposes based on several animal species. Based on type I collagen, which is the most common, one can obtain collagen partially hydrolyzed (gelatin) and the hydrolyzed collagen.
THE oral collagen supplementation is a very controversial issue, and many researchers are still debating whether its use is really effective. However, a number of studies indicate its benefits, in addition to ensuring that supplementation is safe and generally does not cause adverse effects.
According to the work of Porfirio and Fanaro, entitled "Collagen supplementation as a complementary therapy in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis: a systematic review”, hydrolyzed collagen presents a positive therapeutic function with regard to osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
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This work concluded that the administration of hydrolyzed collagen increases bone mineral density, exerts a protective effect on articular cartilage, and promotes pain relief caused by these problems. However, more studies are needed to establish the ideal dose and age for the use of this supplementation.
In the work “Scientific bases of the effects of oral supplementation with hydrolyzed collagen on the skin”, by Zague and Machado-Santelli, the authors state that collagen peptides, after ingestion, are able to cross the intestinal mucosa and go to the skin, where they stimulate the dermis cell metabolism, increase the amount of compounds that are part of the matrix, and improve the functional properties and skin biomechanics.
Thus, we can conclude that collagen supplementation can be beneficial, but more studies are needed to better understand the application of this protein. In addition, another important point to be highlighted is that the complementmust be prescribed by an expert so that the proper doses are administered.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher