How to Use the Male Condom

Condom use, disregarding sexual abstinence, is the only contraceptive method capable of preventing not only AIDS, but a range of sexually transmitted diseases; when used in all sexual modalities (genital, oral and anal). Thus, understanding how to use this is necessary.

To ensure safety, it is important that the condom in question is of good quality, and that it has not expired. In addition, you should never use Vaseline or any other type of oil for lubrication: prefer condoms that already contain special substances for this purpose, or acquire special lubricants, based on Water.

Procedures for use:

The condom must be put on when the penis is erect, before penetration. To do this, it is necessary to open the package, gently, with your hands.

Important: Never use scissors, teeth or other alternative methods as they can tear the condom and make it useless.

After removing the packaging, the condom is placed over the penis, without allowing air to enter. As a safety measure, press or lightly twist the end of it with one hand; while unrolling the condom with the other hand. The condom should cover the entire length of the penis, down to its base (close to the hairs).

Important: it is also necessary to prevent the entry of air while unrolling the condom on the penis, as this causes its breakage. If it occurs, it must be replaced.

After ejaculation, the condom should be removed by the edge, with the penis still erect. Wrap it in toilet paper and dispose of the material in the trash.

Important: tying a knot in the opening of the condom prevents possible garbage contamination, protecting the environment and people who may handle it. Also, the condom should not be thrown down the toilet as it could clog it.

Also worth remembering:

- Open the package only when using it.
- Do not use the same condom more than once.
- There are several brands of condoms on the market that contain spermicide, further enhancing their contraceptive effect.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School -

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