How to change the color of hydrangeas? Learn all about the plant!

Hydrangeas are beautiful flowers and perfect for gifting someone or to bloom a private garden. After all, they have a variety of colors ranging from lilac to more sparkling blues. However, to plant them, you need to pay attention to some very specific care. To learn more, see below. how to care for hydrangeas in detail.

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Some precautions when planting hydrangeas

Care in planting hydrangeas in Brazil requires a little more care. That's because our tropical climate can make growing it difficult. However, it is not impossible to grow hydrangeas in gardens here in the tropics. In fact, you should only pay attention to the following details, check out what they are:

Choose to plant in the right season

To begin with, you need to know which season is right for planting, as exposing young flowers to the summer heat can impede their growth. In this way, specialists recommend that planting come during milder seasons, more precisely in autumn. Thus, hydrangeas will grow and bloom between autumn and winter.

Choose to grow in the shade

As you've already noticed, hydrangeas struggle in warmer climates. Therefore, the ideal thing is for her cultivation to be done in shade.

However, it is recommended that they be exposed to the sun for a maximum of six hours a day. Preferably, one should choose the morning or late afternoon hours. The rest of the time, they can remain in partial shade.

Plant in drained soil

Many wonder if it is possible to plant hydrangeas in vases and the answer is yes! However, you need to pay attention to the soil. First, it needs to be a soil rich in nutrients, so you have to think about a good substrate. In addition, there must be good drainage, as this flower hates standing water.

How to change colors?

The color of hydrangeas is a spectacle in itself and one of the factors that most enchants lovers of this plant. Interestingly, the color of the hydrangea can be manipulated by changing the pH of the soil, making it possible to obtain flowers in shades of pink, blue and even purple. Here's a simple guide on how to do that:

  • Understanding Soil pH: Blue hydrangeas grow in soils with an acidic pH (below 7), while pink hydrangeas prefer an alkaline or neutral pH (above 7). If the soil pH is between 6 and 7, the flowers can be purple or a mixture of blue and pink.
  • Testing soil pH: Before trying to change the color of your hydrangeas, it's important to know the current soil pH. You can buy a pH test kit at a garden supply store or have a professional soil test done.
  • Changing the pH of the soil: If you want blue hydrangeas, you must make the soil more acidic. This can be done by adding materials such as aluminum or iron sulfate. For pink hydrangeas, the soil should be more alkaline. In this case, add dolomitic lime or limestone to the soil.
  • Patience and maintenance: Changing soil pH is a gradual process that can take several weeks or months. You will need to regularly monitor your soil pH and adjust the amount of material you are adding as needed. Remember that too much of any additive can be harmful to plants, so it's important not to overdo it.
  • Additional considerations: In addition to soil pH, other factors can influence the color of hydrangeas. Some hydrangea varieties are genetically predisposed to bloom in certain colors, and environmental factors such as soil health and water availability can also have an impact.

So if you're looking for a fun and scientific way to play around with your garden, try changing the color of your hydrangeas!

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