Tips from entrepreneur Samira Almeida

Nova Educa is an educational consultancy that will bring tips so that young people can, from an early age, learn to innovate and become an entrepreneur, discovering countless possibilities for building a future promising.

Following our concepts about entrepreneurship for young people, we bring content that can collaborate with the professional development of those who follow our column. We know that listening to real stories is more relevant to people, therefore, we continue with our series of interviews with CEOs or founders of startups. In this text we will listen to Samira Almeida, who created a different startup to work on how to interact with reading.

Read too: 4 tips from entrepreneur Pablo Sales

Who is Samira Almeida?

Editor, educator, reading mediator, mother of Sofia, Co-founder and CEO of Inventeca Storymax. She is an author and editor recognized in Brazil and abroad for her work with innovation, reading and social impact.

What does your startup do and when was it founded?

Inventeca StoryMax is a

Authoring platform for children based on a subscription book club. Its mission is to help families with children ages two to 10 to tell stories and master their language skills, while at the same time strengthen family bonds with lots of fun. Founded in 2014 as StoryMax, we pivot in 2019.

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4 tips from Samira Almeida on entrepreneurship

Tip 1: Do your products need to evolve and change?

We test different solutions to the issue of reader education (attraction, engagement, learning, pleasure to read) and, above all, business models.

Comment: A startup needs to understand that it is not a big company, that is, it is very easy to think about new things and pivoting ideas, but at the same time, staying too strategically still can be a mistake you don't return.

Tip 2: How to grow and develop your business?

Go through acceleration and residency programs. Find very experienced mentors and partners for any help. Have big companies as customers.

Comment: The relationship is a fundamental point to promote and develop an idea or company. Focusing energy on handshakes is an activity that needs to be in the planning.

See too: 4 tips from entrepreneur Léo Gmeiner

Tip 3: What to focus on learning?

It has a variety of good content to cover UX Design and Product Market Fit issues. I consider these two things to be step 1, because if you can't have the slightest success when designing your product (it's not just about with graphic or web design, but with the mechanics of the product and the business) and finding a fit for it in the market, there is no pitch that forward. After this phase, conversations (practical and reflective) about investment and management of the company and people become very valuable.

Comment: Every company must work the User Experience (UX) always thinking about navigation strategies to improve user engagement, as well as adjust your sales pitch (pitch) to delight the target audience or relationship network.

Tip 4: The Mistake

We had a readership product for a while that was focused on young people, and after years of operation, we understand that training, in fact, needs to be done from early childhood to be effective. We changed course to Inventeca.

Comment: Identifying sales opportunities is as important as realizing that our product may be great, but it's impacting the wrong audience. Often times, monitoring, improving and changing the direction of the company can be the path to success.

By New Educa

Nova Educa is an educational consultancy focused on developing projects in schools involving Apple Technology, with the implementation of iPads and teacher training. In addition, it also carries out the podcast Nova Educa Debate, with interviews about the educational market and BNCC about entrepreneurship and innovation contents. We will have several consultants collaborating with this column, which will be led by the innovation director, Carlos Coelho, Education enthusiast with experiences in multinational, at Singularity University (California), as a teacher and manager school; and we will have Priscila Coelho, operations director, specialist in educational technology training, creativity and innovation.

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