Tits. breast anatomy

the breasts they are two organs located in the anterior and superior portion of the thorax. In the breasts are found glands responsible for lactation, therefore, they are organs closely related to reproduction.

Each breast is covered with smooth skin and in the central region it is possible to observe the areola and the papilla. The areola has a circular appearance and a different color from the rest of the breast. This coloration can vary during some moments of a woman's life, being darker during pregnancy, for example. In the center of the areola, it is possible to see a bulge that is called papilla. It is in the papillae that the lactiferous ducts flow.

The breast is made up of glandular epithelial tissue, connective tissue and adipose tissue. the glandular tissue it is formed by 15 to 20 lobes, consisting of a set of lobes, which in turn is a set of acini. Milk is produced in the acini and is captured in each lobe by the lactiferous ducts, which flow into the papilla.

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Breasts have variable sizes and are also related to the woman's stage of life; since they are small in childhood and become larger in puberty, due to the action of female hormones.

During pregnancy, breasts can increase in size and, after childbirth, can reach up to twice the size before pregnancy. It is important to remember that in the same woman the breasts can be of uneven size.

Young women have firmer breasts than postmenopausal women. This happens because of the atrophy of the mammary glands.

by Vanessa dos Santos
Graduated in Biology

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Tits"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/mamas.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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