Many people believe that eye problems they only occur in older people.
However, many of them arise still in childhood and these problems are often aggravated as a result of inappropriate habits and lack of routine exams, which allow an early diagnosis of the problem.
Given this framework, we separate some important tips to maintain children's eye health.
Tips to maintain children's eye health
Perform routine exams
Routine exams are important at all stages of life. of a person. Right after birth, it is necessary to perform the famous "little eye test", which aims to identify obstructions in the visual axis, such as cataracts. This exam is completely painless and can be essential for the early treatment of illnesses.
In public maternity hospitals, the examination is carried out until the baby is discharged. It is important to highlight that this exam will not be the only one in the child's life, she will still undergo regular evaluations during their childhood, with the periodicity of evaluations established by the doctor.
Be aware of eye changes
Some eye problems can be noticed from some signalsand typical symptoms. Therefore, if changes are observed, such as secretion production, constant tearing, redness, irritation, stains on the eyes and complaint of eyesight If the child has blurred or reduced field of vision, an ophthalmologist should be sought.
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be careful with the sun
The sun's ultraviolet radiation can cause harmful effects to the eyes children and adults alike. Therefore, the use of sunglasses is recommended to ensure eye health. It is worth highlighting the importance of knowing the origin of the purchased glasses, as many do not offer the necessary protection against UV rays.
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Controlling the child's excessive exposure to the computer, television and smartphone
The light emitted by computers, smartphones, televisions and tablets can damage the eyes. prolonged exposure can be harmful. At first, this prolonged contact can cause irritation, eyestrain and dry eyes. It is recommended that you take constant breaks when using these equipment and regulate the light according to the local luminosity.
Be careful with products that are used close to the eyes
The makeup are items that deserve to be highlighted. Many children develop allergies when using these cosmetics, even those that are described as suitable for this age group. If it is observed that the child has red or irritated eyes, the first recommendation is to wash the face and remove all makeup. Next, it is essential to look for a pediatrician.
Avoid scratching your eyes
It is important to teach the child that it should avoid scratching your eyes. This act can cause injury and cause irritation. In addition, if the act of scratching is done with a dirty hand, it can contaminate the area and cause illnesses, such as conjunctivitis. In dry weather, it is common to feel irritation in the eyes and that typical itching, in this case, the use of lubricating eye drops is recommended, which should be recommended by the doctor.
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Be careful with cleaning the environment.
Dust, mold and mites may be responsible for causing eye irritations. Therefore, it is always important to keep the environment clean, clean stuffed animals, carpets and curtains well, in addition to leaving the place airy. Irritation, itching and tearing may indicate allergy to any of the aforementioned factors.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Tips for Maintaining Children's Eye Health"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.