How poor posture can harm students

Students often suffer from the bad posture, whether it's time to sit at school desks, or time to study in their homes, or even when carrying school supplies. Unfortunately, poor posture can trigger a series of serious problems in them, the best known being the back pain.

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poor posture of students

It is common to see students with inadequate posture in schools. stay a long time sitting anyway and transport school supplies incorrectly are factors that encourage this problem.

Inappropriate use of a backpack can trigger bad posture.
Inappropriate use of a backpack can trigger bad posture.

Having bad posture is not just an aesthetic problem, it's a problem that can negatively affect our health. To avoid bad posture, we must police ourselves, for example, when we sit and walk. It is noteworthy that the concern for the proper posture must start from childhood, since most postural deviations start at this stage of life and in the adolescence.

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What problems can bad posture cause?

Poor posture can cause a number of problems that negatively affect a student's life. Among which we can mention:

  • Back pain;

  • Pain in the neck region;

  • Inflammation of tendons;

  • Muscle imbalances;

  • Fatigue;

  • Postural deviations: scoliosis, hyperlordosis, and hyperkyphosis. (In scoliosis we have a lateral deviation of the spine. In hyperlordosis what is observed is a greater curvature of the lower region of the spine. And in hyperkyphosis, what is observed is an increase in curvature of the thoracic or cervical region.)

Know more: How to avoid back pain

Tips for improving posture inside and outside the classroom

Many students, when staying long sitting, they end up neglecting their posture. Thus, as they remain in the same position for a long time, it is essential to pay attention to the correct way to sit:

It's critical to keep your back straight when studying.
It's critical to keep your back straight when studying.

  • When sitting in the chair, always remember to keep your back straight and supported by the back of the chair. The hips should be as close to the back as possible;

  • Avoid slumping your shoulders forward;

  • When remaining seated, keep your head upright;

  • The feet, when sitting, should always be flat on the floor.

In addition to sitting correctly, it is important to be careful when it comes to carrying school supplies. Here are some important tips for how to carry the backpack properly:

We must never carry the backpack using only one strap.
We must never carry the backpack using only one strap.

  • Never carry heavy backpacks. The backpack must never weigh more than 10% of the student's body weight;

  • Preferably use backpacks that have wide straps and a strap that can be attached to the waist;

  • Never use the backpack on one side only. It is essential that this is supported on both shoulders;

  • Remember to always keep your back straight and your abdomen tight when walking;

  • When walking, keep your eyes straight ahead.

Read too:Dangers of Heavy Backpack
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "How Bad Posture Can Harm Students"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

Posture Orientation

Postural Orientation for Activities at Home. It provides tips for correct postures for activities at home, such as positioning to sleep, getting up from bed, lumbar relaxation, sitting in and out of a chair, carrying an object, getting in and out of the car,



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