Paraná Hydrographic Region

Hydrographic regions are territorial spaces that comprise a hydrographic basin or a set of basins with similar natural and socioeconomic characteristics. The hydrographic region of Paraná is one of the twelve Brazil's hydrographic regions, classified by the National Water Resources Council (CNRH) in order to plan the rational use of water resources.

Occupying an area of ​​approximately 880 thousand square kilometers, the hydrographic region of Paraná covers portions of the territories of the states of Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás, in addition to the Federal District. The total population of this area, which is home to cities such as São Paulo, Campinas, Goiânia, Curitiba, Campo Grande, Brasília, Uberlândia, among others, is over 54.6 million inhabitants.

The average flow of water in the Paraná hydrographic region accounts for 6.5% of the country's total. The rivers that make up this region are the Paraná, Paranaíba, Grande, Paranapanema, Tietê, Iguaçu, Ivaí, Aporé, Pardo, Amambaí, Sucuriú, Dourados, Verde, among others. The main river is the Paraná, with a length of 2,570 kilometers, whose mouth is in the Rio da Prata. The Paranaíba River is the second largest, covering a distance of 1,170 kilometers

Itaipu, one of the largest hydroelectric plants in the world

The waters of these rivers supply millions of inhabitants, in addition to being used in industrial and agricultural activities. Another important function of these water bodies is the production of electricity, through the installation of hydroelectric plants. The hydroelectric potential is widely used, generating energy for almost the entire country. The big highlight is the Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant, built in a partnership between Brazil and Paraguay, being considered one of the largest in the world.

However, urban expansion, population growth (increasing water consumption), activities agricultural and industrial sectors have triggered a series of socio-environmental problems in the hydrographic region of the Paraná. The biggest impacts are the deforestation of Cerrado and Atlantic Forest areas, deficit in environmental sanitation services, pollution and silting of rivers

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School -

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