Is it bad to sleep with a full stomach?

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It is very common to hear that sleeping with a full stomach is bad for you, isn't it? But, after all, what happens in our body that can lead to health problems? Next, we'll explain why eating before bed might not be a good idea.

→ Why is eating before bed bad?

The moment we start our sleep, our systems start to work more slowly. This also happens with the digestive system and that is why it is recommended to eat food at least two hours before bedtime. The slow digestion process can trigger sleep problems and, consequently, indisposition the day after. Also, sleep after meals can cause reflux, that is, the return of the digestion product to the esophagus. How the product that reaches the esophagus presents acids that were present in the stomach, tissue damage may occur.

It is also worth noting that an inadequate diet (consumption of very heavy foods) before bed is also related to apnea of sleep and should be avoided. People who have sleep apnea experience short stops of breathing when they are asleep.

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→ And the brief nap after lunch?

It is common to feel sleepy after lunch, as all the blood flow in the body is directed towards digestion. The brief nap after lunch can help improve performance in the afternoon and is therefore recommended. It is noteworthy, however, that the nap must be of only 30 minutes and that some doctors ask that this little rest be taken just half an hour after eating.

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It is important not to exceed the 30-minute period, because after this period, this longer sleep can be responsible for problems sleeping at night.

→ How can we improve our night's sleep?

To have a more pleasant night's sleep, it is necessary to double the attention to our food. Choosing light foods is essential for easier digestion. Foods high in fat and a lot of red meat, for example, interfere with digestion and cause that feeling of “bloatedness”. Another important point is not to drink stimulant drinks, as they can interfere with sleep. Among the drinks that play this role, we can mention chocolate, coffee, mate tea and soft drinks.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Is it bad to sleep with a full stomach?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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