SAP System: what it means, the benefits and how it works

The German acronym SAP (Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung) is translated into Portuguese as Systems, Applications and Products for Data Processing.

the SAP is an ERP-type Business Management software(Enterprise Resources Planning), created by a German company called SAP AG.

The main objective of the SAP system is to integrate all departments of a company, providing solutions that lead practicality in any type of production, in addition to improving communication between the different internal teams of a company.

SAP system modules

As a customized tool, SAP allows the customer (company) to adapt the system to their business model. Thus, SAP becomes accessible and personalized for each type of company and your business.

SAP works through stages, responsible for managing the processes of each specific area of ​​the company. However, it is up to the client to choose the ones that are really necessary for their business model, as some modules do not apply to the management of certain companies.

For the SAP system to fulfill its greatest objective within the company, departments and stages need of integration and communication with each other, depending on each other for the result of a functioning effective.

Some modules of the SAP system are:

  • SAP MM - Material Management: responsible for managing materials, such as stock, etc;
  • SAP SD - Sales and Distribution: responsible for the sales and distribution area;
  • SAP FI - Financial Accounting: responsible for the financial area;
  • SAP PP - Production Planning and Control: responsible for the production planning and control area;
  • SAP HCM - Human Capital Management: responsible for the human capital area, that is, Human Resources, this stage is focused on people;
  • SAP CO - Controlling: provides solutions for the company's administration;
  • QM - Quality Management: is responsible for managing the company's quality area.

The structure and functioning of the SAP system in a company

The SAP system is structured by the following steps: front end, application, data base and ABAP. Each of these steps has different responsibilities within the functioning of the system, one linked to the result of the other.

  • front end: is the one that displays all process information on the screen to the user;
  • Application: is responsible for processing the data. Only after the data is processed in the application is that the information is displayed on the front-end;
  • Data base: is responsible for storing the processed data in the application;
  • ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming): is the technological language used in SAP, responsible for monitoring the information that appears on the front-end.

The benefits of the SAP system for a company

The SAP system was created to bring communication solutions and production convenience to companies. The biggest benefits that the SAP system brings are:

  • Agility in production: by improving processes and eliminating unnecessary steps, a company's production benefits from being able to produce the greatest number of products in less time, with quality;
  • Fast fault diagnosis: the system allows faults to be quickly diagnosed, enabling decision-making and punctual adjustments quickly and effectively;
  • Identification of possible risks: the system helps to map possible risks for the business, through specific functions with quality information, reducing effective losses;
  • Automation: helps to eliminate completely manual processes, avoiding possible human errors in simple operations.

In which companies can the SAP system be implemented?

SAP was created to serve any type of business, that is: industry, commerce or services, in small, medium, or large companies.

In small ones, the SAP system eliminates large manual processes, which reduces the greatest number of human errors in small actions.

In large companies, SAP helps to control processes, which often have major communication failures that lead to poor administration and large losses.

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