Nova Educa is an educational consultancy that will bring tips so that young people can, from an early age, learn to innovate and become an entrepreneur, discovering countless possibilities for building a future promising.
We can start this article by making it clear that one of the most important items of success in any company is sales.. Starting a new business involves a lot of planning, but in the end—or rather, after implementation—selling becomes critical to the continuation of that business.
Many are born with the gift of presenting, speaking and convincing; others already have some difficulties with these characteristics, but the art of selling is not just that, either requires a lot of planning and structuring.
Seeking to facilitate the vision of those who are starting, we are going to present some thoughts to collaborate with their performance and sales process.
See too: 10 important terms about sales in entrepreneurship
5 tips for entrepreneurs to sell their products

1. Define your customer profile
Before starting any sale, it is need to establish who will be your customer. The question sounds simple, but you'll find there are complexities. Many young people, when they start their companies, assume that that solution works for anyone, and they can be right, but, in order to sell, it doesn't work.
McDonalds, Instagram and Uber, for example, can be used by any age, gender or social class, but they know who their main customers are. Stop, think and rethink what the age range, financial situation, company size, type of market, among other factors, before going out looking for those who would like to know your product.
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
2. Create a sales process
Many young people believe that selling is putting together a presentation, sitting down with the customer, talking and closing a deal. Simple and fast. However, over time, you will find that this is inefficient. Creating a sales process will deserve an article in the future, but right now, what matters is understanding the need. It is necessary to adjust how they should happen:
- product disclosure;
- the initial approach with the customer;
- product presentation, if necessary;
- product demonstration;
- format of the proposal and what time it must be delivered;
- how to monitor the process;
- closing rules;
- contract;
- payment;
- accounting part.
notice how there are too many details and, even so, it is necessary to keep reviewing and evaluating what is going right and what is wrong until reaching a commercial maturity that stabilizes things. There are many companies that pay very well for commercial directors who understand how to set up this process, so it is worth studying more about the subject.
Read too: 10 terms about customers and sales in entrepreneurship
3. Solve your customer's problem
The title of this topic seems to be obvious, but when we watch some presentations, we realize that the company is not aligned with this speech. Many sellers want to push products to the customer, seek fast closing, without understanding the need behind that negotiation.
Selling is not just presenting something, but talk a lot with the person across the table, identify the reason for interest in the product. How much more connected with people at the negotiating table, closer to understanding problems and solving them we will be.
4. Show working
This item doesn't fit all types of business, but it fits in many markets. If your company can offer a free demo or template "freemium", It is important to include it in the sales process and, if possible, open it for direct registration via the website or application.
Many companies and users like to experiment before making a purchase decision. But it is not enough just to offer freebies, it is necessary to understand the business model and calculate the conversion, evaluating time period and strategies to impact and communicate during use.
5. Understand how your customer buys
We've already commented on the importance of understanding the customer, their pain and how their business can help, but at the time of completion of the sale, it is very important to establish the purchase format:
- contract model;
- form of payment;
- recurrence of the service or product.
For that, you need to understand how your target market or customer is used to buying, the bureaucratic process, the time it takes and how the implementation will start. It may not seem to be important, because as soon as we hear the "yes" we believe the decision has been made, but until the money falls into the account, it is necessary to design the entire procedure so that the financial results appear clearly.
By New Educa
Nova Educa is an educational consultancy focused on developing projects in schools involving Apple Technology, with the implementation of iPads and teacher training. In addition, it also carries out the podcast Nova Educa Debate, with interviews about the educational market and BNCC about entrepreneurship and innovation contents. We will have several consultants collaborating with this column, which will be led by the innovation director, Carlos Coelho, Education enthusiast with experiences in multinational, at Singularity University (California), as a teacher and manager school; and we will have Priscila Coelho, operations director, specialist in educational technology training, creativity and innovation.