Meaning of Civil Code (What it is, Concept and Definition)

civil code is a set of norms that determine the rights and duties of people, assets and their relationships in the private sphere, based on the National Constitution.

The civil code is housed within the parameters of the Civil right, a legal branch that deals with civil relations, from birth to death.

The importance of the civil code lies in the fact that it serves as a point of balance for the preservation of justice and equal and less conflictual social coexistence.

Also learn more about the Civil right.

Brazilian Civil Code

The current Brazilian Civil Code was established by Law No. 10,406 of January 10, 2002, coming into force throughout the national territory as of January 11, 2003.

Until then, the civil code in force in Brazil was from 1916 (law nº 3.071/1916), popularly known as “Code of Bevilacqua”, as it was conceived by Clóvis Bevilacqua, one of the most important jurists of the era.

In total, the Brazilian Civil Code contains 2,046 articles, responsible for guiding the rights and obligations of people, and which are divided into two parts: General and Special.

THE General part is composed of three books that are referents: People, Goods and Legal Facts.

already the Special part contains five books, separated according to the following categories: On the Law of Obligations, On the Law of Company, On the Law of Things, On Family Law and On the Law of Inheritance.

See also: the meaning of Civil responsability.

Code of Civil Procedure

The Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), unlike the Civil Code, is intended for judicial proceedings, that is, it regulates the functioning of the courts in relation to certain proceedings of a civil nature.

The current Brazilian Civil Procedure Code was established by Law No. 13.105, of March 16, 2015.

See also: the meaning of Criminal Code.

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