Encceja 2019 tests will be applied next Sunday (25)

Nearly 3 million applicants will take part in the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (Encence) 2019 next Sunday, August 25, in both shifts.

Check out the locations of Encceja 2019

Encceja will be held from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm, in Brasília's official time. In the morning, the gates will open at 8:00 am and close at 8:45 am, while in the afternoon they will open at 2:30 pm and close at 3:15 pm.

The participants of the End 2019 they will have to bring original identification document with photo and black ink pen (made of transparent material). It is recommended that candidates bring a printed registration card, bottle of water and snack.

Students who have forgotten the password to access the enrollment card can reset it through own website. If there is any incorrect data on your proof of the test locations, call Inep on the phone 0800 616161.


Encceja participants will answer four objective tests, with 30 multiple-choice questions, in addition to preparing an essay. There will be two tests in the morning and two more in the afternoon.

9 am to 1 pm Natural Sciences; Math
3:30 pm to 8:30 pm Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education and Writing; History and geography
9 am to 1 pm Natural Sciences; Mathematics and its Technologies
3:30 pm to 8:30 pm Languages ​​and Codes; Essay; human sciences

From this edition of Encceja onwards, participants will be able to write down their answers in a specific space in the test book. The novelty will help participants to check the exam feedback, which will be released until september 6th.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Inep warns that security in this year's exam has been strengthened. The participant who lets his cell phone emit any sound during the race will be eliminated. In addition, all snacks will be searched.

Result and Certification

The result of Encceja 2019 has not yet been defined, but the grades for high school are usually released in November, while for elementary school they come out in December.

Participants who obtain 100 points in each of the objective tests and a minimum score of 5 points in the essay will be able to request the certificate of elementary or high school. Candidates who achieve scores in one or more areas, but not the total required for the diploma, may request the declaration of proficiency so that such subjects are not taken in the next Complete.

Encceja's declarations of proficiency and certificates of completion of primary and secondary education are issued by education departments and federal institutes.

More information at official website of Enccejaand byspecial from Brazil School.

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