AIDS in South Africa

South Africa is an African country that stands out in relation to other nations on the continent. It is considered an emerging country, as it has a good industrial level, good logistics infrastructure; good development in relation to all other African countries. However, it faces a serious problem, AIDS.
According to the South African Statistical Society and the Medical Research Council, the disease has spread alarmingly across the country, around 950 people die and another 1400 are infected each day. According to estimates, South Africa will have a high death toll from AIDS.
The country has about 48 million inhabitants, among which 5.4 million are infected. For every three deaths, one is caused by AIDS, which proves that the epidemic has reached a very high rate of contamination.
The death of the infected does not mean that the disease is decreasing, on the contrary, the contamination is expanding. The South African Statistical Society estimates that the rate of contamination of the disease should prevail over the next ten years.

It is impossible not to notice that the problem has gained gigantic dimensions, however, the initiative of the South African government did not it is enough, it is necessary to get help from international bodies, which implement strict measures for the treatment and prevention of disease.

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Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.
By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "AIDS in South Africa"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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