Geography of Brazil (2)

The Amazon River, located in South America, is the largest river in the world in terms of water volume and the largest river in the world in length, with 6,992.06 km. The Amazon River has its origin at the source of the river...

The economy of the Southeast Region is driven by industrial and agricultural production, and the sectors of commerce and services, especially tourism. The Southeast is the richest region in the country, concentrating...

The Southeast Region of Brazil corresponds to 10.85% of the national territory. It is the most populous and economically most developed region in the country, with great industrial, financial and...

The formation of the Brazilian territory began before the arrival of the Portuguese. To avoid conflicts between Spain and Portugal, the two countries signed the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494). This one...

The states in the southeast region of Brazil and their respective capitals are: São Paulo - São Paulo, Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo - Vitória. They are...

The southern states of Brazil are: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná. These states form the southern region of Brazil. The region is made up of three States Paraná (PR) The State of Paraná...

In Brazil, there are 4 time zones. Brazil's time zones are west of Ground Zero, including the oceanic islands and ranging from two to five hours behind the main meridian. You...

The Paraná Basin is one of the hydrographic basins of Brazil that is located in the southeast and central-south region of the country and in the central-east of South America. In Brazil, the Paraná Basin encompasses...

Hidrografia do Brasil gathers one of the most extensive and diversified water resources on the planet. It has 15% of the total fresh water in the world. Every Brazilian river or watercourse...

Brazil has a huge territorial area and has a hydrographic network formed by extensive rivers and large volumes of water. In the world, the country has the largest hydrographic basins in the...

The Pantanal is the smallest Brazilian biome, located in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul and extends over a small part of eastern Bolivia and northern Paraguay, where it is...

Transport in Brazil brings together the most diverse types of means of transport, that is, land, water, pipeline and air. However, the most used transport in the country, whether for...

The São Francisco River Basin is one of the most important hydrographic basins in Brazil. It is located in the Northeast, Southeast and Midwest regions of the country and receives its name since the river...

The Brazilian people are the result of the miscegenation of various peoples. Indigenous, Portuguese and Africans are the main groups. However, there are many European and Asian immigrants...

Farming is one of the main economic activities developed today in Brazil and consists of the exploitation of rural areas through the planting and breeding of large-scale beef animals...

A biome can be defined as a large community of life (animal and plant) with specific characteristics. The main Brazilian biomes are: Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado,...

Education in Brazil begins with the arrival of the Portuguese, when priests assumed the role of catechists and teachers of the Indians. Thus, the beginning of the story is marked by the relationship...

Coastal Vegetation is the typical vegetation of the coastal region. It is present in the 17 coastal states of Brazil. They are: Amapá, Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte,...

The climate of the central-west region of Brazil is semi-humid tropical climate. Remember that the Midwest region is the second largest in the country, after the North region. It covers three states of the...

Brazil ranks fifth among the most populous countries, surpassed only by China (1.3 billion), India (1.1 billion), the United States (314 million) and Indonesia (229 million). Despite...

The Geography test is applied on the first day of Enem and is within the Human Sciences and its technologies, which encompasses History, Sociology and Philosophy. The Geography discipline is versatile...

The states belonging to the Northern Region of Brazil are: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins. States of the North Region Acre (AC) The state of Acre corresponds to less than...

Criminal adulthood is the establishment of an age at which citizens are fully responsible for the criminal acts they commit. The criminal age of majority in Brazil and in most...

Agricultural systems are classifications used for agricultural and livestock production. There are two systems, intensive and extensive. To define whether the agricultural system is intensive or...

Brazil's economic crisis started around 2014. For some analysts, the country will only come out of recession in 2020. Origin The economic crisis in Brazil is attributed to a series of...

The Southeast region is influenced by the tropical climate. There is a diversity of climate depending on altitude and atmospheric pressure. The Atlantic tropical climate is recorded on the coast and in the regions of...

The Legal Amazon is an area of ​​5,217,423 square kilometers, comprising 61% of the entire Brazilian territory. We must not confuse the Legal Amazon with the Amazon biome, the last...

The economy of the Southern Region of Brazil is distributed in the agricultural, extractivism, industry, commerce and services sectors. The region is responsible for 16.2% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product...

The climate of the southern region of Brazil is predominantly temperate, influenced by the subtropical climate in the north of the region. The seasons of the year are quite different in this region of the country, where...

The Amazon Basin is one of the hydrographic basins in Brazil, considered the largest in the country and in the world. It receives this name since the most important river in the Basin is the Amazon River, which is born in...

The geological structure of Brazil is formed by crystalline shields, sedimentary basins and volcanic terrains. It is quite different from the rest of South America, where there are folds...

The sertão is the largest northeastern sub-region that is located between the mid-north and the agreste. It is a place that suffers from the great drought, a characteristic factor of the low index...

The Brazilian urban network is made up of centers that polarize the economy, the flow of people and the supply of goods and services. According to data from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and...

The Manaus Free Trade Zone (ZFM) is an industrial zone located in the north of the country. It comprises an area of ​​10,000 square kilometers. Although most are located in the city...

Informal work is one that does not require registration. This is because it is the type of work model in which there is no employment relationship. It can be considered “beak” and called by some of...

The São Francisco River, with waterfalls and canyons that reach 80 meters in altitude, presents one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in Brazil. The River of National Integration connects the Center South to...

The Tocantins-Araguaia Basin is one of the hydrographic basins in Brazil. It receives this name since the main rivers that form the basin are the Tocantins (2,416 km) and Araguaia (2115 km...

Agrarian reform consists of measures to ensure a redistribution of land, based on changes in the land tenure and use regime, in order to promote the principles of justice...

Hunger is a reality for thousands of people in Brazil (about 7 million). In addition, there are still more than 40 million people who do not eat the minimum amount necessary for a...

Triângulo Mineiro, which comprises 35 municipalities, is one of ten regions in the state of Minas Gerais. It is divided into seven micro-regions: Araxá, Frutal, Ituiutaba, Patos de Minas, Patrocínio,...

Milton Santos was a geographer, intellectual, professor and one of the greatest Brazilian thinkers. His studies innovated the area of ​​urban geography which were fundamental for a new approach to...

The Guarani Aquifer or Guarani Aquifer System (SAG) represents the second largest source of fresh underground water on the planet and occupies an area of ​​1.2 million km2. It received this name in 1996 because...

The Paraguay Basin is one of the country's hydrographic basins. In addition to Brazil, it is present in the territories of Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia. It gets its name since the main river...

Zona da Mata is a northeastern sub-region located on the coast. It receives this name because it was originally covered by the Atlantic Forest, however, currently, this biome is almost...

The agreste is a sub-region of the Northeast, located between the forest and the hinterland. In other words, it is a region that lies between the hinterland and the coast of the Northeast. That's why it's called the...

The Northeast drought is characteristic of a region known as the “Polígono das Droughts”. It was thus recognized through Law 175/36 by the fact that there are recurrent drought crises that...

The economy of the North region is based on plant and mineral extraction. It is one of the least industrialized regions in the country, however it is the richest in terms of natural biodiversity, due to the...

Petrobras is the largest oil company in Brazil and one of the largest in the world. Its creation in 1953, in the government of Getúlio Vargas, marked the 50's. On October 3, 2013, the company...

Extractivism consists in removing plant, mineral or animal resources from nature. As a country with great natural diversity, extractive activity continues to be very important in...

Agribusiness comes from the English word agribusiness and represents the set of agricultural and industrial activities on the way from the countryside to the final consumer. Today, agribusiness is among the biggest...

Pan-Africanism. Pan Africanism Movement

Pan-Africanism is the name given to an ideology that believes that the union of peoples from all ...

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Fiji. Geographical Aspects of Fiji

Fiji. Geographical Aspects of Fiji

Located in Oceania and formed by more than 300 islands in the Pacific Ocean, the territory of Fi...

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Tsunami in Brazil: possibility or legend?

Tsunami in Brazil: possibility or legend?

Tsunami in Brazil: possibility or legend? There is an intense debate about the possibility of occ...

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