Meaning of Grant (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Grant is the act of consent, to give, to assign, to transmit, grant, authorize the other person to perform acts on their behalf. Grant is a term widely used in forensic means because, for a lawyer, for example, to take any action in the name of another person, it is necessary for the latter to give him a power of attorney granting him to act in his Name.

Granting can also be a concession of a service to perform something, or a grant of a right to do something. It can be used to give a political mandate, for example.

The grant can be the one given to the geologist, for example, to use certain water resources of a river, lake, or groundwater, where it will request a grant from the Public Authority that is called Grant Application. This administrative act, known as Granting the right to use or interfere with water resources, does not grant the user ownership of the water, but the right to use it.

marital grant

There is also the marital bestowal, when a husband gives his wife the authorization to practice certain acts of civil life, and

uxory grant, which is the one that the woman gives to the husband, to perform acts that would require her consent or authorization.

Onerous grant

There is also the onerous grant of the right to build, which is an authorization to build beyond the limits established for the site, and must be authorized by the Public Power, usually by the City Hall.

See also the meanings of Grantor and Grantee and the difference between grantor and grantee.

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