Meaning of Serasa (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Serasa (Centralization of Bank Services) is a Brazilian private company of public character, responsible for gather information, perform analysis and research on individuals and legal entities that are in debt.

THE Serasa Experian was created by banks and financial institutions, with the aim of centralizing information on debtors of the country, allowing banks and stores that sell on credit to have greater guarantees about the suitability of customers.

What is Serasa's role?

Although it didn't come up with this objective, nowadays Serasa's main function is to manage a gigantic database, which contains the names of people and companies that have a default financial.

Serasa does not negate the names of consumers, the company collects the data and keeps the debt records unpaid checks, bad checks and other types of unpaid debts.

Banks and stores pay a monthly fee to access Serasa's database, thus verifying that the customer who wants credit at a certain establishment, for example, does not have debts at others locations.

If the consumer is included in the database, it is likely that he will not get approval for a new credit. The approval of the new credit will only take place after the payment of the overdue debt, when your name is removed from Serasa's list.

One of the ways to monitor the consumer profile is through the score, an index created by Serasa, which measures the financial behavior of consumers. The indicator is measured from 0 to 1000 and corresponds to the probability of a consumer paying their bills on time.

The index takes into account the history of payments and non-payments of consumers and is available for consultation over the internet for both consumers and banks and companies.

Serasa's performance is foreseen and recognized in the Consumer Protection Code (Law No. 8.078/1990).

Serasa's other functions

The registration of defaulters is the company's best-known service. However, Serasa also operates in other areas such as digital certification, solutions to prevent fraud, positive registration and the Clean Name service.

O digital certificate it can be used by companies and consumers to issue invoices electronically, working with a guarantee of the veracity of the electronic signature.

Digital certification reduces bureaucracy in negotiations, as it is not necessary to carry out the notarization procedure through notary offices.

The service Anti fraud offers consumers the possibility of monitoring the consumer's CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registration). With this, it is possible to know if the CPF was used in any fraud or if it was consulted by any company.

O positive registration is a database that records the financial life of consumers, with monthly information on purchases and payments made. Both monthly bills and occasional bills are registered in the registry, which is popularly known as the "good payer registry".

Through the service, it is also possible to receive a notice when the consumer's CPF is entered in the debtor register.

Read more about the Positive registration.

already the service Clean Name it allows a person to consult over the internet if they have a financial dispute with a company, serving as a link between the consumer and the establishment. Through the Limpa Nome platform it is possible to make a negotiation to settle the open payment

See also the meaning of Default.

SPC and Serasa

Just like Serasa, the SPC (National Credit Protection Service) also maintains a database with information on all debtors in national territory. The SPC is also regulated in the Consumer Protection Code.

However, while Serasa focuses on bank debt, the SPC stores trade debtors in its database. In fact, the SPC, unlike Serasa, is a body that belongs to the National Confederation of Store Leaders (CNDL).

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