North pole and south pole: which is cooler?

When it comes to the poles of planet Earth, there is always a question: do both have similar temperatures? If not, which one is colder? The answer lies in the location of the two poles.

In geographic terms, the South Pole is located 2800 meters above the sea and the North Pole is at sea level. Although the North Pole sits on top of an Arctic Ocean sea ice cap, it is considered warmer. Because? The altitude is what determines the difference of almost 20°C in the temperature of the poles.

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At every kilometer of altitude the temperature drops by 6°C. Considering that the north pole is at sea height, and that the south pole is at a higher altitude, we can conclude that this one is colder than that one.

So, which of the two poles will you visit? Don't forget to wear a coat, regardless of the region - South or North, these places are intensely icy.

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "North pole and south pole: which is colder?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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