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The game pie in the face is a classic among all ages that guarantees lots of laughs and mess. To play, just prepare a plate full of whipped cream and ask the participant a question. If this one misses, he's got a pie in the face.
Also, it is possible to play with other teammates and make the pie in the face a competition in which the one with the fewest mistakes wins. This game is a great option to test. reasoning, general knowledge and specific.
To help you prepare for this game, check out 100 questions with answers for pie in the face!
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Questions for pie in the face
- What is it, what is it: does it fall upright and run lying down? Answer: rain.
- When does the nose of the Pinocchio grow up? Answer: when he lies.
- In which city is Christ the Redeemer? Answer: in Rio de Janeiro.
- How many colors is the Rainbow? Answer: seven.
- How many letters are there in the alphabet? Answer: 26 letters.
- What is the food that bees manufacture? Answer: honey.
- How many months is 1 year old? Answer: 12 months.
- Who is the most famous rag doll in Brazil? Answer: Emília, the character of Monteiro Lobato.
- What color does the mixture of red and white form? Answer: the pink color.
- What is the name of the story of the girl who wore a red hood? Answer: Little Red Riding Hood.
- How many days is in a year? Answer: 365 days.
- Is your grandfather's brother what yours? Answer: great-uncle.
- What is the animal that walks with its legs over its head? Answer: the louse.
- The one who knows all the words but never says any? Answer: the dictionary.
- What is the smallest country in the world? Answer: Vatican.
- What is the name of the biggest moon in Jupiter? Answer: Ganymede.
- how many planets are there in solar system? Answer: eight planets.
- who painted the picture Mona Lisa? Reply: Leonardo da Vinci.
- What is the biggest country in the world in terms of territory? Reply: Russia.
- How many countries have Portuguese as their official language? Answer: ten countries.
- How long does it take for the earth to complete a loop around itself? Answer: about 24 hours.
- What is the biggest planet in the solar system? Answer: Jupiter.
- In which month does the Winter in the southern hemisphere of the planet? Answer: July.
- What is the name of the celestial body that emanates its own light? Reply: star.
- In what year was the Independence of Brazil? Answer: in 1822.
- What is the biggest ocean on planet earth? Reply: Pacific Ocean.
- How many stars are part of the constellation Southern cruise? Answer: five stars.
- Who was the first president of the republic of Brazil? Answer: Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca.
- In which pole of the planet is Antarctica located? Answer: at the south pole.
- What is the name of a pack of wolves? Answer: pack.
- What is the insect that transmits the Chagas disease? Answer: the barber.
- What are the names of the planets in the solar system? Answer: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
- What is the capital of the United States? Answer: Washington DC
- How many degrees Celsius does the water have to be to start boiling? Answer: 100°C.
- If an adult does not lose any teeth, how many does he have? Answer: 32 teeth.
- what are the four fundamental operations of math? Answer: addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
- A kilometer has how many centimeters? Answer: one hundred thousand centimeters.
- What does a topographic map represent? Answer: the altitudes of a relief.
- How long does it take for the Moon to circle the Earth? Answer: 27 days and 8 hours.
- what is the name of the author of the book The art of war? Answer: Sun Tzu.
- What is the speed of light? Answer: 300,000 kilometers per second.
- What is the name of the space that has been modified by human action? Answer: geographic space.
- How much is a hectare? Answer: 10,000 square kilometers.
- What is the holiday celebrated on November 15th? Reply: Proclamation of the Republic.
- Who proclaimed the independence of Brazil? Reply: D. Peter I.
- What are the names of the five oceans? Answer: Indian, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Polar.
- How many centuries are there in a millennium? Answer: 10 centuries.
- What is the highest point in Brazil? Answer: Peak of Fog.
- How do you spell the number 55 in Roman numerals? Answer: LV.
- How many years are there in two and a half centuries? Answer: 250 years.
- The excerpt “Freedom has already dawned on the horizon of Brazil” was taken from which anthem? Answer: of the Brazilian Independence Anthem.
- A chicken that was born in Chile laid an egg on the Brazil-Chile border. According to Itamaraty, whose egg is it? Answer: Chile and Brazil do not have borders.
- Which planet is known to have rings around it? Answer: Saturn.
- What is the collective of dogs? Answer: pack.
- Who is the author of Yellow Woodpecker Site? Reply: Monteiro Lobato.
- What is the living animal considered to be the biggest on the planet? Reply: Blue Whale.
- What is the language spoken in Angola? Answer: Portuguese.
- How many strings does the cavaquinho instrument have? Answer: four strings.
- What is the capital of Colombia? Answer: Bogota.
- How many signs does the zodiac? Answer: 12 signs.
- How many world cups has the Brazilian Soccer Team won? Answer: five hearts.
- What is the biggest bone in a human's body? Answer: femur.
- What is written on the flag that represents Brazil? Reply: Order and Progress.
- During the government of which president was the city of Brasília built? Reply: Juscelino Kubitschek.
- Which chemical element has the lowest atomic number? Reply: hydrogen.
- How many countries make up the Latin America? Answer: 21.
- How many times has the Italy team been world champions? Answer: 4 times.
- How do you say “good morning” in French? Reply: bonjour.
- What is the most populous country in the world? Answer: China.
- Who was the architect who designed the city of Brasília? Answer: Oscar Niemeyer.
- What fruit is chocolate made from? Answer: cocoa.
- Which folklore character has his feet turned backwards? Reply: Curupira.
- In which country is the city of Athena? Answer: in Greece.
- In which country is the city of Santiago? Answer: in Chile.
- Is the tomato a vegetable or a fruit? Answer: one fruit.
- Which city was considered the first capital of Brazil? Reply: savior.
- What material is extracted from the rubber tree? Answer: latex.
- What is the name of the profession that puts out fires? Answer: firefighter.
- What is the poisoned fruit that the snow White he ate? Answer: apple.
- What is the Moon to Earth? Answer: a natural satellite.
- What is the name of the celestial body that emanates its own light? Answer: star.
- How many stars are there in the solar system? Answer: a star, the Sun.
- What is the hottest season of the year? Answer: summer.
- How do you say “dog” in English? Answers: dog.
- What country is known for having the shape of a boot? Reply: Italy.
- If we mix the colors of the rainbow, what color results? Answer: brown.
- What is one called ball in two dimensions? Reply: circle.
- What is the name of the mammal that lays the egg? Answer: platypus.
- How many regions is Brazil divided into? Answer: five.
- What are the primary colors? Answer: blue, red and yellow.
- Where are potatoes born? Answers: on earth.
- The color green is a result of what color mix? Answer: blue and yellow.
- How many legs does a spider have? Answer: eight.
- What is the capital of Portugal? Answer: Lisbon.
- How many continents does the Earth have? Answer: six.
- Which ocean bathes the Brazilian coast? Answer: Atlantic Ocean.
- What is the most populous city in Latin America? Answer: São Paulo.
- Rio Branco is the capital of which Brazilian state? Answer: Acre.
- Acai is what kind of food? Answer: a fruit.
- What are the official languages of Canada? Answer: English and French.
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