Evolution of the pharmaceutical industry

Today both natural and synthetic organic compounds are available on the market, unlike a few years ago, as in the 19th century, when only natural plants were available for the manufacture of medicines. It is clear that this practice still persists, in fact, that is how many modern medicines were obtained, through the imitation of substances extracted from medicinal plants.
But if it weren't for the synthetic form, these drugs would not be produced on a large scale by the pharmaceutical industry. This technological advance only became a reality through long years of research, based on the synthesis/analysis binomial.
Synthesis: reaction that allows the production of a certain substance (starting from simpler substances).
Analysis: process that makes it possible to determine the structure of the molecule of a given substance.
In practice, it works like this, the chemist extracts the substance with a curative effect from the plant, then analyzes this substance to determine its molecular structure. How are the atoms arranged inside the molecule? This procedure allows to study the atomic arrangement.

Then it goes to the synthesis made in the laboratory, where it is possible to introduce variations in the substance molecule. In this step it is possible to remove or add atoms from the molecule or even change the atomic rearrangement. All to obtain effective medications with fewer side effects.
Pharmaceutical Industries invest billions of dollars annually in drug production, all for ensure new products on the market and that these can, in addition to bringing back investments, generate profits.
By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Evolution of the Pharmaceutical Industry"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/evolucao-industria-farmaceutica.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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