You lipids, also called lipids, lipids or lipids, are a class of esterswhich encompasses all the fatty substances of the vegetable and animal kingdoms; hence the origin of its name, since in Greek the term lipos means “fat”.
Therefore, they include as sources of lipids in their diet: oils, oils, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, fatty foods such as nuts, peanuts, avocados, coconuts and chocolate.
![Definition of lipid Chemical definition of lipid](/f/c6094bff175e183b867f484c5793e216.jpg)
- Glycerides: Generically, these lipids are formed in living beings (animal and plant origin) through reactions between higher fatty acids and glycerol, which is a glycerin trialcohol molecule (propanetriol), as shown.
![Glyceride The formation of a glyceride occurs through the reaction between a glycerol and fatty acids](/f/63318f331f06d87e08bd7f34474f6582.jpg)
Note that highlighted we have three characteristic groups of the ester function, so this compound is classified as a triester. Since they are derived from glycerol, triesters are called triglycerides or triglycerides.
The radicals R1, R2 and R3 can be derived from different esters. The saturation or instauration of these radicals will determine whether the glyceride will be an oil or a fat, because we have to:
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![oil or fat Classification in oil or fat](/f/47be8d07d0c68976c1a1aac7bbca7a1d.jpg)
Example of a fat:
![Fat fat example](/f/33e6a4c411116fb07b1733d50fd742e1.jpg)
Note that in this case, two out of three of the radicals are saturated, so this triglyceride is a fat.
For you to know if the radicals are saturated or unsaturated it is not necessary to write the complete structural formula, just follow the following practical rule:
![Unsaturation Rule for discovering unsaturation](/f/c0890514d5372fc3f45f3b00194583e3.jpg)
For example, in the following compound, in the three radicals the amount of hydrogens (33) is less than twice the amount of carbons (17). Thus, this compound has three unsaturated radicals and is therefore an oil.
![Oil Oil example](/f/80a53c2d67624bd8bbacd6383ae384ba.jpg)
Since the only difference between oil and fat is unsaturation, it is possible to transform oil into fat by means of a hydrogenation reaction, which is the method used by the industry in the manufacture of margarine or vegetable shortening from oils vegetable.
Generically, we have:
![oil in margarine Partial hydrogenation of the oil gives margarine](/f/59910bad116a32c2ee45a82f5ac1772b.jpg)
By Jennifer Fogaça
Graduated in Chemistry
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FOGAÇA, Jennifer Rocha Vargas. "Lipids"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.