Cultural Aspects of the Northeast Region

The Northeast region of the Brazilian territory comprises the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe. It presents great cultural diversity, with diversified elements, for this reason some elements that integrate the culture of the region will be addressed.
Carnival is the most famous popular event in the Northeast, especially in Salvador, Olinda and Recife. Also the June festivals of Caruaru (PE) and Campina Grande (PB) stand out. The bumba meu boi festivities are traditional in all northeastern states.

Bumba my ox

Bumba meu Boi is a celebration that presents a small drama. The owner of the ox, a white man, witnesses a black man stealing his animal to feed his pregnant wife who wanted to eat ox tongue. They kill the ox, but then it is necessary to resurrect it.
Capoeira was introduced in Brazil by African slaves, it is considered a form of fighting and also a dance. It quickly acquired followers in the northeastern states, mainly in Bahia and Pernambuco. The instrument used during capoeira presentations is the berimbau, which consists of a bow, cut calabash, caxixi (basket with seeds), rod and dobrão (coin).

Reisado is a cultural manifestation brought by Portuguese colonizers. It is a popular spectacle for the Christmas and Kings parties, whose stage is the public square, the street. In the Northeast, from December 24th, there are several Reisados, each neighborhood with its own, singing and dancing. The Reisados ​​participants believe they are continuators of the Three Kings who came from the East to visit the Infant Jesus in Bethlehem.
Coconut is a dance style widely practiced in the states of Alagoas, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte. The dance is an expression of the outpouring of the popular soul, of the most suffering people in the Brazilian Northeast; besides, it was the favorite dance of the cangaceiros; Lampião and other cangaceiros danced during hours of rest and distraction.
Frevo emerged through capoeira, as the capoeirista dances the frevo in front of the cordões, of the music bands, performing steps similar to those of capoeira. It is a dance of collective hallucination, from the Pernambuco carnival, it is practiced in halls and on the streets.

Frevo in Pernambuco

Terno de Zabumba is a typical Northeastern musical ensemble that always cheers up parties. The Suit of Zabumba has a profane and religious function. They play the “salvas” in prayers and novenas. It is also known by the names of Suit de Música, Esquenta Mulher, Cabaçal and Banda de Couro.
The maracatu is originally from Recife (PE), it appeared during the processions in praise of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Blacks, which beat the xangô (Candomblé) throughout the year. The maracatu is a simple procession, initially having a highly religious nature, today it is a mixture of primitive music and theater.
Marujada is a very old folk ballet. It consists of the dramatization of the Portuguese struggles, of the tragedy that was the maritime conquest.
Quilombo is a traditional Alagoas revelry, a purely Brazilian theme, reliving the colonial Brazil era. It dramatizes the escape of the slaves, who went to find a safe place to hide, in the Serra da Barriga, forming the Quilombo dos Palmares.
Candomblé is a cult of African origin brought by black slaves during colonial Brazil. In Bahia this cult is called candomblé, in Pernambuco it is called xangô, in Maranhão, a girl's drum. Currently, Candomblé, in some regions, is greatly modified due to the influence of whites.
Afoxê is the sacred participating in the profane. It is a religious obligation that members of Candomblés (of Jeje-Nagô origin) must fulfill. It is a form of Candomblé suitable for Carnival. It begins with a dispatch to Exu, so that he doesn't interrupt the carnival festivities, they give him oil palm crumbs.
The Festa de Iemanjá is a thank you to the Queen of the Sea. The biggest party of Iemanjá takes place in Bahia, in Rio Vermelho, on February 2nd. All the people who have an “obligation” with the Queen of the Sea go to the beach. In this cultural event there is a meeting of all candomblés in Bahia. They bring flowers and gifts, especially mirrors, combs, jewelry and perfumes.
Lavagem do Bonfim is one of the biggest popular religious festivals in Bahia. It is held on a Thursday in January. Thousands of pilgrims arrive at the Sanctuary of Senhor do Bonfim, in Bahia. Senhor do Bonfim is the African Oxalá, there are also Catholic promises of “church washings”. The faithful wash the church steps with water and flowers.

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Bonfim Wash

Cordel Literature is one of the Northeastern cultural manifestations, consisting in the elaboration of small books containing stories written in prose or verse, the subjects are the most varied: challenges, stories related to religion, rites or ceremonies.
Another cultural element of extreme importance in the Northeast is handicrafts. The variety of handcrafted products in the region is immense, among them we can highlight woven nets, lace, sieve, leather products, ceramics, wood, among others.
Northeastern cuisine is very diverse and stands out for its strong spices and spicy foods. The typical dishes are: carne de sol, buchada de bode, sarapatel, acarajé, vatapá, cururu, green beans, hominy, tapioca, fish, seafood, etc. Also common are ciriguela, umbu, buriti, cajá and macaúba fruits.

Goat Bushing

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography

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