The author of the profile @snacks, Carolina Godinho, is the new columnist for Brasil Escola. The weekly column will bring creative and healthy snack tips for schoolchildren, always with photos and recipes.
Visit the new column here
The partnership between Carolina Godinho and Brasil Escola aims to help and inspire mothers and fathers to improve their children's diet. “We are going to show that it is possible to stay away from industrialized products and provide healthy food for our children without having to spend hours in the kitchen”, says Carolina.
"With more than 4 years preparing snacks, I learned a lot in practice and also in exchanges with followers. And it is with this "baggage" that I come here to write this column for you." (Carolina Godinho, author of the @lanchinhos profile)
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The administrator Carolina Godinho created the profile @snacks in 2015, to record the snacks she prepared for her children Kenji and Koji. At the request of a follower, Carolina also started posting the snack recipes, which made the profile gain thousands of followers. Today, more than 65,000 people follow @lanchinhos on Instagram.