July 15th - Men's Day

In July 15th is celebrated, in Brazil, the Man Day. However, this same date is celebrated by many nations abroad on the 19th day of the month of November. Both dates are intended to draw society's attention to problems and circumstances that may affect, in particular, males. Furthermore, both were instituted in the 1990s.

In Brazil, the date was proposed by National Order of Writers in 1992. Since that year, attention to this date has been growing, especially on the part of political authorities and centers of specialists in human health. When dealing with the issue of human health, the doctor Jerome Teelucksingh, from Trinidad and Tobago, with a view to highlighting male health to the international community, proposed to United Nations (UN), in 1999, that a day be created for this purpose.

The chosen day was November 19th. Since the beginning of the 21st century, many campaigns have been carried out in several countries with the objective of making men aware of the importance of taking care of their bodies and their health. An example of this type of awareness concerns the

prostate cancer, which affects a large portion of the male population around the world. Other diseases related to the use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages are also called into question on that day's opportunity.

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Another of the objectives of the reflection proposed by Man's Day is the equality between male and female. The main target of this proposal is the change of behavior in relation to the many postures posed, both by sexist behavior and by the behavior of the feminist radicalism, which tend to restrict the debate on the professional and social value of women and the fundamental role that men play in this process.

In addition, there is also the discussion about the paradigm of contemporary man, which no longer follows the same pattern behavior of the last century, neither in his family nor in his work or in living with circles of friends, etc.

Therefore, both the 15th of July and the 19th of November are opportune situations for this type of reflection.

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

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FERNANDES, Claudio. "July 15th – Man's Day"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-internacional-homem.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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