O World Water Day is celebrated in March 22nd and aims to discuss important issues related to this natural resource. As we know, life on the planet is only possible thanks to the presence of Water, thus, taking care of water sources is fundamental for our survival. O Human Body, for example, requires water for various processes, such as maintaining body temperature and transporting substances.
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Origin and importance of World Water Day
Before the importance of water for our survival and from the urgent need to keep this resource available, the World Water Day. This date was created in 1992 for the United Nations Organization (UN) and aims to expand the discussion on this topic.

On March 22, 1992, the UN, in addition to instituting the World Water Day, released the Universal Declaration of Water Rights, which is ordered into ten articles. Here are some excerpts from this statement:
1- Water is part of the planet's heritage;
2 - Water is the sap of our planet;
3 - The natural resources for transforming water into drinking water are slow, fragile and very limited;
4 - The balance and future of our planet depend on the preservation of water and its cycles;
5 - Water is not only a heritage from our predecessors; it is, above all, a loan to our successors;
6 - Water is not a free gift from nature; it has an economic value: one needs to know that it is sometimes rare and expensive and that it may well be scarce in any region of the world;
7 - Water must not be wasted, polluted or poisoned;
8 - The use of water implies respect for the law;
9 - Water management imposes a balance between the imperatives of its protection and economic, health and social needs;
10 - Water management planning must take into account solidarity and consensus due to its unequal distribution over the Earth.
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Importance of water to humans
THE Water is a resource essential for the survival of all living beings. She participates in the body formation of organisms and, for being considered a solvent universal, is fundamental for the realization of various chemical reactions. In addition to these functions, in the human body, we can highlight how important roles played by water:
Regulation of body temperature: Water is part of the sweat, which plays an important role in cooling the body. After being eliminated by the sweat glands, sweat evaporates, causing cooling.
Transport of substances: Water constitutes the blood plasma, which guarantees the transport of various substances, such as mineral salts and nutrients.
Elimination of substances out of the body: Water is, for example, part of the composition of urine, which ensures the elimination of toxic substances or those that are in excess in our body.
Protection of structures: Water is present, for example, in liquids found between the joints, thus participating in the protection of our bones against friction. It also guarantees the protection of the fetus, since it is part of the amniotic fluid composition.
Due to its importance, it is recommended to ingest about two liters of water a day so that the body continues to function perfectly. It is noteworthy that this is a general recommendation and that factors such as age, sex, weight, season of the year and practice of physical activities can affect the amount of water needed by the body.
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Availability of water for humans
Although our planet is full of water, it is estimated that only 0.77% is available for human consumption. It is noteworthy, however, that this amount is not evenly distributed throughout the territory, consequently, there are places where this resource is quite scarce. Because of this distribution inequality, in several regions, occur true conflicts over water.

In addition to water scarcity, we also face the problem of the low quality of this resource. THE pollution caused by human activities makes available water unfit for consumption. According to the UN, 1 in 3 people in the world does not have access to safe drinking water. Also according to the UN, three billion people lack the basic facilities to wash their hands properly. This situation is worrisome, as it is related to a series of illnesses, and the habit of washing hands can prevent several illnesses.
As the entire population needs water for its survival, in July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly declared, through Resolution A/RES/64/292, that the clean, safe water and basic sanitation are Human rights. Thus, quality water and basic sanitation became a right guaranteed by law. However, there is still a long way to go for all people to have this right really guaranteed.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "March 22 – World Water Day"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-nacional-da-agua.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.