Meaning of Probity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

probity means act in accordance with ethical and moral principles accepted in a society. It means having integrity of character. It is a characteristic of people who tend to act ethically and honorably in their decisions.

It is a feminine noun that originated from Latin probits.atis.

See more about the meaning of ethic and moral.

administrative probity

Administrative probity is a term related to the Law and characterizes acting honestly in public administration. It also applies to the performance of those who exercise a public function, such as civil servants or other public agents.

Working with administrative probity is acting in accordance with the basic principles of public administration: legality, impersonality, morality, publicity and efficiency.

When a public agent makes a decision or an attitude that violates the principles of administration and causes damage to the property, he commits a administrative dishonesty and can be penalized for it.

See the meaning of administrative dishonesty.

The principle of probity is fundamental in all branches of law. It is essential in the relations between the contracting parties, in procedural loyalty, in carrying out bids and in all public administration decisions.

Probity in administration also means acting with decorum. An elected politician who has ethical and moral behavior outside the expected standards for the position may be punished for breach of parliamentary decorum.

know more about decorum.

Probity Synonyms

Some of the main synonyms for probity are:

  • Honesty;
  • Integrity;
  • Ethics;
  • Decorum;
  • Morality;
  • Decency;
  • Character.

Probity antonyms can be improbity, dishonesty and immorality.

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