On July 12, 2006, the world witnessed yet another armed conflict, this time between Lebanon and Israel. In a defiant action the Lebanese Shiite group provoked an attack in Israel, in the attack eight soldiers were killed and two were arrested. This attack had the pretext of testing Ehudo Olmert, Israeli prime minister, and seeing how he would behave in military crises, given his inexperience.

After the attack, Israel took a military offensive against the Lebanese, with a destructive action.
The day after the incoming attacks, Israel, fearing being bombed, took a defensive action against the Lebanese attacks. The Israelis attacked a military airport, which, being destroyed, could not receive planes from countries that supplied weapons to Hezbollah.

In response, Islamists fired missiles at two Israeli cities and killed two people.
On the 14th, Hezbollah launched two Iranian C-802 missiles, supplied by Iran, hit Israeli vessels and killed four officers.
On July 25, Israel released leaflets on Lebanon's territory near the conflict areas to urge civilians to withdraw. from their homes, then Israel carried out several simultaneous air, naval and ground attacks, with the intention of disrupting the forces of the Hezbollah.

After 30 consecutive days of armed conflict between the two sides, on August 11, the UN Security Council, proposed a few days of discussion to find a solution and put an end to the conflict.
In the form of a vote, 15 members of the security council approved resolution 1701, drafted by the Americans and the French, and put an end to attacks by Hezbollah, arranged for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanese territory, deployed the UN peacekeeping group along the southern border of Lebanon and freed the soldiers Israelis.
XXI century - War - Brazil School
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/guerras/guerra-entre-libano-israel.htm