Instead, instead or instead of? Which one to use?

Much doubt arises in the use of “instead”, “instead” or “instead of” and it is common, since they are very similar in spelling and also in meaning.
Firstly, the term "inverse" is a noun and variant of "inverse" and means "opposite", "inverse". In the expression “instead”, the noun “instead” continues with the same meaning, however, it is used to indicate opposition to something or something and, therefore, it means “as opposed to”. It is usually accompanied by the preposition “of”.


Rather than let the interest rise, call the collection company and renegotiate your debt.

Insteadin protest your name, I will give you another chance.

The term "inverse" is a noun and variant of "inverse" and means "opposite", "inverse".

The expression “instead of” is more used with the meaning of “in place of”, however, it can mean “instead of”, “instead of”. Watch:
The girl watched TV instead of a movie. (cannot be used “instead of”, as there is no opposition of terms).
The teacher, instead of decreasing the student's grade, increased it (the expression “instead of” could be replaced by “instead of”, as we have opposite terms “decrease” and “increased”).

If “instead of” can mean “instead of”, how can we identify the use of both expressions?
The expression “instead of” can be used in multiple circumstances, as long as its meanings are maintained. On the other hand, “instead of” can only be applied when there are terms that indicate opposition in the sentence, meaning “inversely of”.

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By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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Grammar - Brazil School

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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "Instead, instead of or instead of?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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