Intoxications and poisonings they are much more common situations than we imagine and affect many children and young people. At small children, especially those aged from one to four years old, are the most affected due to several factors, such as lack of awareness of danger and their high curiosity. Therefore, we must pay extra attention and care to avoid intoxication and poisoning, situations that can even lead to death.
Read too:Tips to Avoid Food Poisoning
Tips to avoid intoxication and poisoning
Intoxications and poisonings can occur due to ingestion, inhalation or even direct contact with some substances. These situations can occur in different places, but it is common for them to occur in the environment that we consider safer: a our home.
Given this situation, it is essential that we take measures to avoid risky situations, especially for children, who are the most affected.
See below some simple tips that can prevent intoxication and poisoning:
Do not store products that can cause intoxication and poisoning, such as caustic soda, alcohol, detergents and bleach, in places that are easily accessible for children. The most recommended is to use
closed cabinets to store them.When purchasing products that can cause intoxication and poisoning, give preference to those with packaging that have covers that prevent their opening by children.
Never exchange toxic products from packing. This can lead to confusion if a person is not aware of the change.
Medicines should be stored in places out of reach of children. According to the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, every day, about 37 children and teenagers, aged between zero and 19 years, are intoxicated by inadequate exposure to drugs.
Avoid referring to medications as candy, as this can encourage the child to consume the product at times when there is no supervision by a responsible adult.
be careful with plants at home, avoiding leaving them always near children. It is important to be careful, especially with those plants that are known to be toxic, as is the case with Nobody can with me.
When purchasing a toy, make sure it is nontoxic, that is, if it will not harm the child. The vast majority of young children put objects in their mouths, and making sure they are free of harmful substances is essential.
Do not take food after the validity or that were produced in places that visibly present hygiene problems. It is also important to always wash your hands before meals.
Do not leave the car running in a closed garage, as this can lead to poisoning by carbon monoxide, which is fatal.
Do not stay in places with smoke.

Read too: Pesticides - understand the risk of using these products inappropriately
Intoxication and poisoning symptoms
Unfortunately, we are not always able to avoid intoxication and poisoning, so we have to be on alert to know when these situations occur and to be able to seek help ASAP.
The table below shows some signals which may indicate intoxication or poisoning.
Signs that may indicate that a person is intoxicated or poisoned |
Mental confusion Somnolence unconsciousness delusions Lips with altered color temperature drop Weak breathing or difficulty breathing Stomach ache Bleeds reddish skin nausea and vomiting Diarrhea excessive salivation excessive sweating Convulsions or spasms |
If you suspect intoxication or poisoning, try to find out what caused the problem and seek medical attention urgently.
In case of intoxication due to the inhalation of any product, it is essential to ensure that the victim is quickly removed to fresh air.
Another important tip concerns intoxication by ingestion, it is essential to emphasize that: the victim should not be recommended to force vomiting, even though this is common, this attitude should not be performed, as well as should not offer any type of drink.

Useful telephone numbers in case of emergency | |
Dial-intoxication (Anvisa) |
0800-722-6001 |
Samu |
192 |
Fire Department |
193 |
Know more: First Aid - Procedures and Techniques
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Source: Brazil School -