Folic acid: protection for the baby during pregnancy

Folic acid is best known among pregnant women and is usually prescribed by doctors for the first few weeks of pregnancy. This acid prevents the disease known as "spina-bifida", a disease that is characterized by exposing the spinal cord, which can be damaged leading to a paralysis of the lower limbs. It also prevents anencephaly, which is the failure of the baby's brain to develop.

Therefore, it is important for the mother-to-be to ingest folic acid, which also has the advantages of reducing nausea symptoms. and nausea during the first trimester of pregnancy, decrease the incidence of preterm births, and help improve breast milk.

Here are some tips for foods rich in folic acid: liver, spinach, peanuts, chicory, melon, walnuts, nuts, peas, mushrooms, among others. But it's not just for babies that folic acid brings benefits: everyone, from children to adults, needs it. This acid is an essential component for metabolic processes, nucleic acid synthesis, blood formation, among others.

Folic acid is a B-group vitamin and the main function of this vitamin is to help build other molecules. It provides carbon units to form cellular components such as: DNA, methionine, amino acids. The human body has a certain reserve of this vitamin, the problem is that during pregnancy the rates drop, which can cause megaloblastic anemia, a common disease among pregnant women. There is a practical way to ingest the necessary amount of folic acid, through the consumption of tablets sold in pharmacies that provide the necessary daily dose.

Synthesis process for obtaining folic acid in the laboratory: pteridine, glutamic acid and p-aminobenzoic acid are molecular components of folic acid, from which it is possible to carry out a synthesis and obtain the desired product: dark yellow crystals corresponding to folic acid in its state pure.

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

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