A new technological advance has been discovered by MIT (Researchers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), they managed to light a light bulb transmitting all the necessary energy through technology, without the use of wires.
According to some researchers, within a short time, cell phones and other electronic devices will be able to receive energy without the need to be connected to an electrical current.
This concept of sending energy over the wireless network is not new, but until now its widespread use scale has been considered ineffective, as the electromagnetic energy generated would radiate in all directions.
MIT scientist Marin Soljacic has discovered a way to carry out energy transfer through defined electromagnetic waves.
The secret is to make the devices, supplier and receiver, communicate on the same frequency, making them receive energy efficiently, without the loss that is considered today.
The principle is identical to that which allows an opera singer to break a glass with his voice, as long as the object communicates at the same frequency as the voice.
The scientists, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, managed to light a 60-watt light bulb placed two meters from the generating source of energy.
This discovery allows us to think about the near future in which mobile phones, electronics and others, work without the need for batteries, avoiding the problems associated with their recycling and the harmful effects of the toxic chemicals of which they are made.
Scientists still have a lot of work to do, as the process developed at MIT is effective at 40-45%, that is, most of the energy generated by the emitting source did not reach the lamp.
Marin Soljacic felt that the process has to at least double its efficiency, before be able to compete with traditional forms of power supply to electrical appliances and electronics.
The goal is to achieve, for example, that a single wireless energy source can power all the appliances in a given space, such as the living room of a house.
In the tests carried out so far, no damage has been detected on mobile phones, laptops and credit cards that were in the lab, but MIT admits the need for more studies.
The non-existence of secondary effects in this form of energy transformation has yet another effect, according to the MIT, the placement of people or objects between the energy emitter and receiver does not affect the passage of energy.
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Keilla Costa
Brazil School
Curiosities - Brazil School
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COSTA, Keilla Renata. "Wireless Energy"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/energia-sem-uso-dos-fios.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.