When a woman thinks about getting pregnant, it is important that she schedule and choose the time to receive the new family member.
It is essential that the parents are united as a couple, to emotionally receive the child.
When the pregnancy is confirmed, the woman can experience many feelings, such as joy, apprehension, fear; It is also common to experience, in addition to hormonal changes, rejection, which in turn can worsen the symptoms of nausea and vomiting in the face of such conflict.
The father's presence is of paramount importance, favoring the woman in this sensitive period.
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This is a moment that provides changes, reflections and the reactions that each woman presents during the gestational period vary a lot and depend on the moment she is going through.
It is very important that the mother is good about herself, that she takes care of her body and mind, receives support from family and friends, as her emotional state directly influences the baby.
Patricia Lopes
Brazil School Team
psychology - Brazil School
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LOPES, Patricia. "Psychological aspects of pregnancy"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/psicologia/aspectos-psicologicos-gravidez.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.