Languages ​​without Borders apply for an online French course

Languages ​​without Borders (IsF), a new Ministry of Education (MEC) program that offers free language courses for Science without Borders, this Friday, November 21, registration for the online language course opened French. The deadline runs until 2 am on December 8, online.

Register here

Undergraduate, masters or doctoral students, with active enrollment in institutions of public higher education (IES) accredited in the program, which completed up to 90% of the total credits of the course.

The online French course is available at 95 institutions and is offered in partnership with the French Embassy in Brazil and the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). It was developed by the Alliance Française and will be taught at levels A1 and A2, divided into 24 modules. During the course, students will develop oral and written comprehension, vocabulary and grammar. At the end of level A2 the student will be able to participate in on-site courses.

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Students selected for Français sans Frontières will receive on February 23, 2015 a username and password to access the online platform. More information can be found at IsF-French page.


O Languages ​​without Borders was released last Monday, 17, and will offer free courses in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, German and Portuguese for foreigners. O English without borders became an offshoot of the program.

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