Hindu beliefs

The Hindu religion is the main one in India, moreover, it governs the entire structural organization of society, establishing class divisions. The division is defined based on heredity, the castes correspond to a portion of people and families that are differentiated by their social condition.

The castes have four distinct types, they are the brahmins (the most important layer, it is composed of priests), xatria (formed by military), vaixias (consisting of merchants and farmers) and sudras (composed of the lower layer and which should serve the layers superiors).

Once an individual composes a certain caste he must remain in it, as the change is recognized as an offense to the religion practiced.

The Hindu religion offers the possibility for the practitioner to develop it in different ways, as cults can be performed in all days with formalities or without any type of meeting, since this religion does not govern any pre-established norm or doctrine in this sense. Hindus have faith in a supreme being or spirit, in which the main gods are Vishnv, Shiva and Shaktic.

Despite the free choice of worship, beliefs are common to all practitioners, one of them is about reincarnation, they believe that when a person dies their soul will appear in another body that can be either a human or even an animal, moreover, they believe that this can happen continuously between life and death, this process is called samsara (the incessant flow of rebirths through the worlds). The main purpose of the Hindu religion and its adherents is to get out of this cycle between life and death characteristic of reincarnation, if an individual frees himself he attains moksha, that is, the salvation.

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According to the principles of Hinduism, if an adept leads a life based on solidarity and brotherhood, in the next life he can be more evolved and thus come closer to moksha.

In India it is common for Hindus to bathe in the waters of the Ganges River, the explanation is that they believe that this spring is sacred, before Furthermore, the act of drinking and bathing approaches moksha and purifies sins, this process is extremely important within the religion. Hindu. Most Hindu temples have water containers for bathing to cleanse and purify the body before entering the enclosure.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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Varieties in India - The Indian caste system.

India - Information about the second most populous country in the world.

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

FREITAS, Eduardo de. "The beliefs of the Hindus"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/as-crencas-dos-hindus.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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