Enrollment for the English without Borders proficiency exam

O English without Borders Program will administer 430,000 English proficiency tests in 2014 to undergraduate and graduate students from participating federal universities. Entries can be made free of charge at program website until the 24th of June. The deadline would end on April 20, but it has been extended. The test that will be applied is the Toefl – Test of English as a Foreign Language, one of the exams required by foreign universities.

In the first semester, the tests will be applied until June 30th. English without Borders prioritizes the training of students who can participate in the Science without Borders exchange program. According to the Ministry of Education (MEC), the results will help the federal government to define public policies specific in relation to the foreign language, in addition to helping in the dimensioning of the investment to be made in the universities.

Students will be able to use the test result in public notices of Ciência sem Fronterias and other exchange programs. The exam is valid for two years from the date of the test.

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In addition, students will be able to use the result for leveling. Students who have a Toefl grade will also have priority to participate in face-to-face English language courses at federal universities. According to information on Portal Brasil, later, the candidate who wants to can retake the test. That way, you'll know what to study to reach higher levels. On the program's portal, the notice and the list of participating universities.

The tests given to students from federal universities will constitute the first stage of the diagnosis. In a second stage, undergraduate and graduate students from federal and state universities, as well as civil servants, administrative technicians and professors from universities and institutes federal agencies.

English without Borders emerged to fill the gap in English language teaching in the country, which led many students to choose Portugal as a destination in Science without Borders. Until 2012, one in five students who participated in the program chose to attend part of higher education at a Portuguese institution. In an extreme measure, the government suspended, last year, the partnership with the country.

Mariana Tokarnia - Reporter from Agência Brasil
Edition: Talita Cavalcante

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/noticias/inscricoes-para-exame-proficiencia-pelo-ingles-sem-fronteiras/3122120.html

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