History of Brazil: the historical development of Brazilian society

THE HistoryofBrazil is divided, consensually and for didactic purposes, into three main periods: Time courseColonial, Time courseImperial and Time courseRepublican. However, such divisions exist only to schematically organize the main contents about the formation of Brazil, having as a starting point the year of discovery, that is, 1500. However, it is known that, in the territory where “Brazil was formed”, there were, before, several native tribes with very particular cultural aspects. Even before the formation of these tribes, there were also primitive peoples who left traces of their culture in various places in Brazilian territory (See Brazilian prehistory) for thousands of years.

To that period of the History of Brazil whose central theme is the study of native peoples, that is, of the Indian people, gives the name of Pre-Cabraline Period. This nomenclature refers to Peter ÁlvaresCabral, whose arrival in Brazilian lands is considered the inaugural landmark of the History of Brazil. From then onwards, from 1500 onwards, especially from the 1530s onwards, the phase of the

Brazil Colony.

Brazil began to be effectively colonized due to the concern that Portugal began to have with the threats of invasions of Brazilian lands by other nations, as would happen for decades later. The first system of colonial occupation and administration was the Hereditary Captaincies, which was later governed by the General Government, which had the objective of better organizing the occupation of the territory, as well as developing it. The period of Colonial Brazil extended until the beginning of the 19th century, specifically until 1808, when the FamilyReal came to Brazil and joined the KingdomUnitedinPortugal, Brazil and Algarves. It was during this period that the economy and the sugar society and then the economy and the mining society. The various Nativist RebellionsandSeparatist Rebellions, with special mention to InconfidenceMinas Gerais.

In 1822, the phase of Brazil Empire, or Imperial Period. From the arrival of the Royal Family (1808) to Brazil until 1822, there were intense political transformations both in Brazil and in Portugal, which ended up leading the Brazilian elites and the Prince D. Peter I to declare Brazil an independent empire. After structuring the Empire, followed the Governing Period, a period marked by the government of the regents of the one who became the second Brazilian emperor, SunPeterII, who, at the time his father left power (1831), was not yet of sufficient age to govern the country. O second reignit only actually started in the year 1840, extending to 1889, year of ProclamationgivesRepublic. A year earlier, still under the Empire, the Abolition of Slavery.

From November 15, 1889, the period of theBrazil Republic. This period was characterized by the setting up of a political structure completely different from that of the Empire. The search for the effectiveness of republican political ideals, influenced by positivism, guided the formation of the Brazilian republic, which was divided, schematically, between Old Republic (1889-1930), whoserebellionsthat occurred in it deserve to be highlighted;It was Vargas (1930-1945), which was marked by the long government of Rio Grande do Sul politician Getúlio Dornelles Vargas; phase of Populist Republic (1945-1964), which was situated in the initial period of the WarCold and was characterized by the political structure based on the phenomenon of populism; and, finally, the phase of Military Government (1964-1985), marked by blowMilitary of March 31, 1964 and then by the ActInstitutionalnº5, of December 13, 1968, which extended the military regime (with the removal of political rights and individual freedoms) until 1985.

There is still the phase ofCurrent Brazil, which is studied according to the most recent research that is carried out on the political, sociocultural and economic situation in Brazil over the last 30 years.

This History of Brazil section also has three auxiliary channels that add content to the study of central themes. Are they: Brazil Regional, Brazilian HymnsandFolklore.

Good reading!

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

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