History of the Angle of a Turn

Mathematics presents in studies related to angles that the complete measure of a circumference corresponds to 360º (degrees). The use of this measure is not linked to any specific study, it has connections with the Babylonian peoples, in matters related to Astronomy. The Babylonians had a great admiration for astronomy, which was conditioned by religion and the calendar. This union allowed the Babylonians to form a script identifying the seasons of the year, in order to aim the right time for land preparation and planting, construction and expansion of cities and profitability in the commercialization of products. Therefore, the Babylonians based their way of life through productivity on the calendar supported by Astronomy.
The sexagesimal numbering system (base 60) is fundamental in using the 360º measure. This value indicates that the circumference is divided into 360 parts, an approximate value of 365 days in a year. So when we divide the units by 10 in decimal base, we get the tenths. Thus, if we divide the units by 60 in the sexagesimal system, we form the sixtieths. Continuing, we have that, if we want to find the hundredths in base 10, we just have to divide the unit by 100. Based on this assumption, the possibility of dividing the circumference into 360 parts allows the idea of ​​the fraction 1/360 to be related to the measure called “degree”.

In the same way that in decimal base there are tenths and hundredths, in sexagesimal base we can have sub-multiples, such as: minute and second. To do this, we just have to successively divide the degree by 60, obtaining minute and second in the respective order. Therefore, we must list the following values:
1st = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds

These ideas are intuitive notions linked to the studies of the Babylonian peoples, which, around 5 000 years ago, certainly introduced the division by 360, applying to the rule, the measure of a circumference. Even not knowing for sure about a certain historical fact, currently the measure is used with vehemence, indicating exactly expected results.

by Mark Noah
Graduated in Mathematics
Brazil School Team

Trigonometry - Math - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/matematica/historia-Angulo-uma-volta.htm

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