you know what they are homophone words?
homophone words are those who have the same phonetics although mean and be written in ways many different. This means that it is about two or more words which are pronounced with identical sounds but they have letters that distinguish them as to the form of write and its meaning.
Examples of homophone words:
Session – Time span of a deliberative meeting, a movie show, theater, etc.
Section – Effect of apportioning. It also means: division of public offices, part of a whole, department.
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assignment - Writing in this way has a single meaning: to give, that is, to transfer something, to give possession of something to someone else.
Hundred – 100 (number).
Without - Indicates absence.
county – Municipality, district, city.
advice – Suggestion.
Bad - Antonym of "good".
Bad - Antonym of "well".
bring – Verb "to bring".
back– Adverb of place (from behind).
Also read about the homographic words. Good studies!
By Ma. Luciana Kuchenbecker Araújo
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ARAúJO, Luciana Kuchenbecker. "What are homophone words?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.